7 - One Heck of a Night

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Alfred jumped from his bed and ran to the windows looking out to the front yard. In the lower driveway was a van, several people climbing out. He was there just long enough to see his aunt get out from the driver's seat before he dashed back to his room, closing the door behind him.

Maybe they had changed. Maybe they'd accept him. He didn't want to take that chance, though.

He frowned at the lockless door knob for a moment before going to his dresser. He pulled out some jeans and a t-shirt and changed.

A small tone sounded from his phone. He went to his desk to pick it up and saw that it was already ten o clock. It surprised him because he never usually slept past eight or nine. He opened his phone and found a new text.

you wanna go to the fair later?


I'm going around 4. See you there?

Sure, see ya later

Alfred put his phone down and sat on his bed. He heard their guests coming into the house, bringing in their bags that they dropped in the floor. He didn't want to see them, and they, most certainly, didn't want to see him. He looked down to his phone one last time; 10 05. Six hours to avoid his relatives. Wonderful.

Around one there was a knock on the door. "Alfred?"

Alfred opened the door to let Matt in, closing it after him. Matt handed Alfred a plate, a sandwich and some chips spread over its surface. "Brought you lunch."

"Thanks." Alfred took it sat on his bed.

"You doing okay in here, by yourself?"

He shrugged. "Not like I can exactly just walk out there."

"Maybe I can try talking to them."

Alfred shook his head. "It'll just make everyone upset."

"Well, I'm upset," Matt said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"If I get tired of my room, I'll just go to Uncle Randy's house."

Matt gave a small nod. "You shouldn't be cooped up in here, though."

Alfred tried to give his brother a smile. He would've liked to say that it was okay, but really it wasn't.

Around four, Alfred opened his door and snuck outside before anyone could see him. He walked to the street to his uncle's house and knocked on the door. Alistor greeted him with a smile.

"Can you give me a ride into town?"

"Sure thing!" Alistor grabbed his keys and put his shoes on before he came outside. "Where you going?"

"Meeting a friend at the fair."

They both got into the car and Alistor started the engine. "Who?"

"Gilbert." He looked over to see his cousin smirking as he pulled out of the driveway. "What?"

"Oh, nothing," he said, grinning. There was silence in the car before Alistor started conversation. "So, Alfred. Ever had a boyfriend?"

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