Chapter 9

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My stomach twists into knots when I see Regina and Scarlette sitting at the lunch table. They never texted me back since Friday, and I've been avoiding them in school. Now here I am, a week later,  awaiting my fate. 

I slowly walk over to the table, tensing up when their eyes meet mine. They scoff in my direction and turn their heads, icing me out.

"Hey, guys..." My words stumble out.


"Guys, I'm really sorry, can we talk about it?" I try again.

Regina flips her hair and looks toward me, loudly chomping on her gum. "There's nothing to talk about. You blew us off, clearly showing you don't care about this friendship." Her words are cold.

I take a seat at the table and huff out a big breath of air. "That's not true guys. Can I at least explain?"

Scarlette's eyes widen with frustration. "Rae, even if you explain, we won't just forgive you! You ditched us to go to some lame place with some random kid who doesn't even matter. I thought we were friends? Why would you replace us like that?"

"He does matter!" I protest. "Louis is really nice, he's become a friend of mine." I look down at the table. "I know it was wrong of me to choose him over you guys, but I didn't do it intentionally. I completely forgot to tell you I couldn't make it and I'm sorry!" My voice is weak.

They look at eachother and back at me. "Whatever, we thought you'd want to hangout with us after two long years without, but I guess Louis is more important." Scarlette's words dismiss my plea of forgiveness and they both stand up from their seats, strutting out of the cafeteria.

Looking at the back of their perfect heads as they walk away leaves a sting in my heart.


So they just didn't forgive you?

When I got home I immediately texted Louis, telling him what happened.

Nope. They told me you were more important to me. They didn't even try to listen.

They're not worth your time, Rae. If they can't forgive you for some dumb shit like that then they don't deserve your friendship.

I can see Louis is trying to make me feel better, but the absense of two friends in my life leaves me lonelier than ever.

Yeah, whatever. 

I want to change the subject.

So, did you tell Connor about your, ya know?

I look down at my phone, biting my thumb nail.

My homosexuality? No, I haven't... what if he hates gays?

Don't be stupid, Louis. Why would he hate you because you were gay? He was friends with you before he knew, and he'll be friends with you after. You haven't changed.

I know, but I'm still scared about it.

My heart yearns to hug this poor boy. Within the week I've known him he's been nothing but the best friend anyone could have, and I hate to see that he's afraid to be who he really is.

Whatever happens, I still got your back :)

Same to you :) Wanna go to Starbucks tonight? Around 6? I don't wanna sit at home on a Friday night.

As I am about to text back how good that sounds, something hits my window. I'm startled by the noise and my phone flies out of my hand.

What the fuck was that?

I walk over to my window and see Connor standing on my lawn. Huh? I open up the window and stick my head out. 

"Ya know, Connor, I have a front door." I tell him.

He looks up at me, smiling. "Yeah, but this reminded me of Romeo and Juliet." 

How fucking corny.

"If only we were in looooove." I tease.


If only we were. I think to myself.

"Do you, uh, wanna catch a movie or something?" I ask, my words stuttering. 

Keep it cool, Connor.

Rae rubs at her cheek, her forehead creasing as she slightly frowns.

"I was just making plans with Louis." Guilt is prominent in her voice.

"Oh." I squeak out. 

Fucking Louis. Why did I ever introduce those two? Damn Brit is stealing away my chance with her.

Rae notices my disappointed face. "You could, you could come along?" She suggests. 

Her head is still out the window, and her shoulder-length golden hair falls on her face. Her beauty is remarkable.

I scratch at my firey ginger hair to distract myself from gawking at her. "Um, that's okay. Maybe another time." I sigh and turn to walk away, stumbling over my crooked feet in the process.

"Oh, c'mon!" I hear from her window. "We're all friends, we can all hangout together! You missed out on last time." 

"Yeah, but-"

"Come this time!" She cuts me off. She gives me a smirk and shuts her window, leaving me standing awkwardly in her yard.

"Alright..." I whisper into the wind.


Connor's coming with us, is that okay?

I text Louis about the addition to our plans tonight.

Really? I'm surprised. He didn't seem so keen with all of us hanging out last time.

Yeah, he asked me to go see a movie with him, but I already was making plans with you, so I told him he could come along with us.

A movie? Shit, Rae! Do you think he wants to make a move on you?


A move? What are you talking about?

Movies are dark, quiet... maybe he wanted it to be a date.

Me, Connor, a date? No fucking way.

I highly doubt it.

Hmm, I don't know. Maybe that's why he didn't come with us last week. Shit! What if he thought I was going to be a cock block! 

Louis, you're talking nonsense.

Hahaha I bet he likes you.

I'm getting tired of this. Connor definitely does not like me. He's just a geek who wants a friend.

I bet he doesn't.

We should fuck with him. He doesn't know I have a boyfriend... we should pretend that we're seeing each other.

Absolutely not! That's just mean!

Louis is always trying to make a joke of something. 

I leave the conversation alone and put my phone down to go take a shower. I have an hour to get ready. I wonder how this will all turn out with the three of us.

[Sorry I didn't update in a while, school is kicking my ass! Hahaha, I promise Niall will make it more into the story, it's about him, so don't worry! I just want to make it as realistic as possible, ya know? No immediate love between the two of them, I want to ease it in. Please vote and comment, I really want to hear your feedback!]

As the Wind Blows [A Niall Horan Love Story]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα