Chapter 19

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A/N: Yooo! Sorry it's been like a month, but I have to be in the mood for writing (sorry I'm annoying). Anywhooo, this chapter won't be too long bc I'm babysitting and not really in the mindset of writing, but it's been too long without an update.

I've been at the party for not even two minutes and some guy dressed as a pirate has handed me a red cup with some type of alcohol in it. I sniff it and the potent smell travels up my nose, making my eyes water.

"Guess you're not a big drinker?" Niall asks as he looks at my scrunched up nose and dewey eyes.

I set the cup down on the kitchen counter behind me. "I'm more of an occasional drinker..." I trail off. "My dad died in a drunk driving accident and my mom's basically an alcoholic, so I try to keep away from it..." I look up at him and his eyes are full of concern.

"Rae, I-"

I put my hand up. "It's okay, sorry I just dumped that all on you. It kind of just came out like word vomit." I laugh nervously. "I do like beer though... not as strong as hard liquor."

Niall gives a small smile and looks at the red cup sitting on the counter. "Not sure what that is, but I suggest you don't drink it."

"Wasn't planning on it." I say, my stomach feeling a bit tickley.

"So ya like beer, yeah?" He asks, trying to change the pitied mood I just caused.

"Yeah, I do. I don't drink a lot, but when I do, it's always beer." I tell him.

He nods. "Yeah, it doesn't have the sting of vodka or the heat of whiskey. Just smooth and refreshing."

"Exactly." I say, looking around the room, not sure of what to do with myself.

He claps his hands together and eyes the fridge. "Well, let's crack open 2 bottles then?"

"Sure." I cooly answer.


Three beers later and I'm sitting on the couch next to Louis. We're watching a clown and a guy in a banana suit wrestle on the floor, and banana guy is winning by a landslide.

"So how're you enjoying your Halloween?" Louis slurs in my ear. By the composition of his voice and the smell of cherry vodka on his breath, I can tell he's on his way to plastered town.

"I'm enjoying myself, thanks for inviting me." I answer, keeping my eyes on the two men tangled on the floor.

Louis giggles and puts his arm around my shoulder. "My money's on the clown!"

"Pshhh, Lou, banana's got it in the bag."

He looks at the two for a couple of moments, nods, and then leans back on the couch, pulling me along with him. My head falls on his chest and his hands cradle the back of my hair, my face pushed up against his shirt.

"Uhhm, Loueh, whet are you doinf?" My speech is blocked by the fabric that is smushing my lips.

"Shhh," he pets my hair. "I need to tell you something."

"Okay." I wait in silence.

"Niall..." He pauses. "Niall is talking to a girl. Right now." He whispers.

I lift my head up and look at Louis. "That's what you wanted to tell me?"

He gazes at me. "Don't you want him to talk to you, and not her?"

What's the point in all of this? "Um, I was talking to him before. Now I'm talking to you. Is he not allowed to talk to other people?"

He puts his hand on my cheek and the expression on his face hardens. "Well, go and talk to him again. Before it's too late."


"Before what's too late? You're talking as if there's a bomb somewhere hidden in the apartment." I half joke.

"Before he starts fancying her more than he fancies you." His eyes focus on something behind me.

He fancies me?

"How do you know he fan-, likes me?" I ask, now becoming more curious that I ever intended to be.

He looks back at me. "Oh, I can tell. I've got a good eye when it comes to people's affections. While we were in the car he did nothing but steal glances at you." He smiles.

He was staring at me? No, it couldn't be. No guy ever pays any attention to me.

"Rae," Louis interrupts my thoughts. "Go and end that conversation before the slut walks off with him." He points past my head and I finally look over to see who this "slut" is.

My eyes fall on the two talking in the kitchen, and Niall is engaging in conversation with none other than Scarlette.


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