Chapter 10

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Rae and Louis walk in front of me like I'm not even there. I look at the back of their heads, and then down to their feet, where they're moving in unison. Louis has on that coined denim jacket he always wears. His black jeans are rolled up and his small feet are enclosed in grey Vans. No socks. His feet probably smell.

But Rae, oh, Rae. Her honey hair is curled, so it just reaches her shoulders. She has on a big, dark blue sweater and leggings. Her over-the-knee chestnut-leather boots make her petite frame look even more delicate.

"How much farther is it?" Rae asks Louis. Louis playfully rolls his eyes and points up ahead. I squint behind my thick framed glasses and see the familiar mermaid sign.

"So, uh, this is just a coffee night then?" I chime in. I nudge myself inbetween the two, intruding on their coupley tendencies.

Louis slaps his hand onto my shoulder. "That's right, mate. I just craved a frappuccino."

Rae gigges.


"It's the middle of October! It's starting to get a little cold for that, don't you think?" Rae asks.

Louis chuckles. "It's never too cold for a frappuccino. Damn, they're good." Louis playfully licks his lips, and again, I hear the chimed laugh coming from Rae's mouth.

Could Louis fucking stop already?

"Yeah, I'll think I'll have a pumpkin spice latte, ya know, for the season." I speak up to Rae. Maybe she'll agree with me.

"That sounds so good right about now! Especially since it's Autumn. I think I'll have that too."


"You guys are dorks." Louis says to us. We reach the door and Louis swings the glass open, stepping inside to the warmed coffee shop.

"What's wrong with being a dork?" Rae asks Louis as we get in line. She stands with her hands on her hips.

I look at her intently, her creased eyebrows are so cute. And those lips...


"Huh, yeah, what?"

Smooth Connor.

"I just said that there's nothing wrong with being a little dorky, don't you agree?" Rae looks up at me.

I let out a nervous laugh. "No, not at all! I mean, look at me. I get teased every day for being a dork..." I start to trail off.

"Oh, no need for the pity party, Con. Now you got us around." Louis wraps one arm around Rae's shoulders and the other around mine. 

This isn't so bad.


"Agh, yeah, enough of this now." I pull Louis' arm off of me. "Glad we're all friends, but let's order." I walk up to the barista. "One grande pumpkin spice latte, please."

"Make that two, I'll pay!" Connor nudges in front of me, holding out his credit card.

What? I was not going to let him pay for me.

"No, I'll pay for mine, thank you." I whip out a five dollar bill and hand it to the barista.

Connor's pale hand snatches the bill just as the barista was going to grab it and hands him his card.

"Charge it for the two." He says.


We sit down at a round table in the corner near the fireplace. "I still can't believe you paid for my coffee." I rest my chin in my hands, an evident pout on my face. Connor just laughs, taking a cautious sip to his drink.

"It's the chivalrous thing to do, malady." He bows his head. 

I roll my eyes. "Don't do it again." I warn.

"You're just a little sassy thing, aren't you?" Louis asks me. He's stirring his mocha frappuccino with his straw.

"If the other person deserves it, then yes." I grin in Louis' direction.

"I wonder where you picked that up?" Louis asks, still focusing his attention on his straw.

"Well, I had this nurse who used to..." I cut my sentence short. 


I did not want to bring up my cancerous past to Louis. Not yet at least.


Louis' eyes squint, and he cocks his head to the side. "No, what were you going to say?"

"She doesn't have to say it if she doesn't want to." Connor intrudes. 

"No, it's fine Connor.' I let out a deep sigh. "I was going to say I used to have this nurse who would come into my room while I was in the hospital and always whisper snarky little remarks about the other patients. I would always get a kick out of it. I guess I picked up the "sassy" from her." I look down at the table.

Louis furrows his brow, confusion clear on his face. "Why were you in the hospital?" His voice is quiet.

"I had leukemia." I state. "It's gone now, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about it."

I watch him for a moment before he reaches out his small hand and rests his on top of mine. "I didn't know of it." He says. "I'm sorry."

I hold his hand and rub my thumb along the top of his. "It's fine, Louis. I'm fine now. Let's change the subject." I give him a reassuring smile. 

I notice Connor staring at our hands and I pull away from Louis' warm grasp. 

[Sorry this was so short! I've been so freakin' busy with school, dance, and work! But I thought I'd at least have quick update for you guys since I haven't updated in a week and a half. I promise the next chapter will be so much longer! xx]

[P.S. Don't forget to vote & comment! Follow me on Twitter as well @forbiddenouis & on Vine as gab]

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