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Kira was a fourteen year old teenager, who was excited for her fifteenth birthday, which was just around the corner. So, she was out for shopping with her mother and her cute pet puppy, Ai. He is a white puppy with a light pink bow tie, tied across his neck.

Like any other teenage girl, Kira also love beautiful dresses and all other girlie accessories. Chocolates are her weakness. She likes everything that have chocolate, whether it is ice cream, biscuits, cookies etc. She is a cheerful girl with a pure and nice nature. She belongs to a middle class family, with her mother, father and a sweet four years old brother, Masao. Her family is Japanese by origin, but they were living in America since Kira's birth. They shifted to Japan, two years ago. Kira is not much fine with Japanese language and she knew everything about the place she was living in. She loves wandering and exploring new places.

"Hey, mom. Look," Kira exclaimed. "It's Prism Stone shop."

"Yeah, Kira. I know that you love shopping from Prism Stone." Her mother said, smiling. "You have the money?"

Prism Stone is a casual shop in the market that sell lovely girls accessories and dresses. The shop isn't much popular, but is popular with middle class girls. Rich girls used to shop from Dear Crown, which is just same as Prism Stone. Kira's mother insisted her to go to Dear Crown, but Kira's favorite was just Prism Stone. Not because her family can't afford Dear Crown's expenses, but because she find a strange charm in Prism Stone's stuff.


"Then, go ahead."

"You're not coming?" Kira's face fell.

"I have to buy something from the market. You go ahead."

"Yeah." Kira ran towards the Prism Stone.

"Don't take long, Kira." Her mother shouted. Kira waved her hand.

She was very excited, when she entered the shop. She went towards the dress counter. Beautiful dresses were hanging there. She ran her fingers on the dresses.

"Welcome." A husky male voice greeted her from behind.

She turned to look, who he was. A black haired tall man in white full sleeved t-shirt with blue denim jeans.

"It's nice to meet you, sir."

"Out for shopping hunt, young lady?"

"Yeah. My birthday is around the corner."

"Well, people used to buy loving clothes from big shops on birthday. Then why are you here?"

"Because I love Prism Stone's clothes," her eyes sparked. "And not just clothes, I love everything of here, all the accessories and just everything." She took a round turn with excitement.

"What's so nice about these clothes?"

"There is special charm in them. It's like they are designed with passion and determination. They are amazing." The man notices a sudden charm in her eyes. "You aren't here for shopping. Then...."

"I am Hiroshi. I am the owner of this shop."

"What? You are...," Kira's mouth fell from shock. "It's nice to meet you, sir. I love your designs. I just can't tell how much."

"No need, young lady. It looks."

"I am Kira Minamoto."

"Nice to meet you, Kira. I hope you enjoy being here."

Kira was smiling broadly. She checked out different dresses. She then bought a plain frilly black dress.

"Lovely." She cried with joy. "I'll buy this."

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