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In school

"Kiyomi, you should have come. That place is a real fun. And the owner is smart indeed." Kotori said.

"Yeah, Kiyomi. And you aren't under any control. Just handle whatever you like. I am handling the cooking area, and Kotori is in charge of the dance zone." Kira said.

"And there is now a makeup area, and a music zone also." Kotori added.

Kiyomi wasn't interested in this, but the word music clicked in her mind.

"Music?" She said.

"Yeah." Kira nodded.

Kiyomi is very fond of music. Because she likes Sunio & Sunio likes music. She wanted to help him with his new sounds & music, in any way possible.

"Will you mind if I join in?" She finally said.

Kira and Kotori were really happy. "Of course, you can." They both said together.

"Okay. So we'll meet at the shop after school. Yeah?" Kotori said.

"Yeah." Kira and Kiyomi agreed.

In Prism Stone

All the girls meet at the Prism Stone as planned.

"So this is Prism Stone." Kiyomi said.

"Yeah." Kira confirmed.

"Let's go." Kotori stepped in.

"Hello, ladies." Hiroshi greeted.

"Hello, sir." Kira and Kotori said. "Ummm... Hello." Kiyomi said.

"Sir, she's Kiyomi. And Kiyomi he is Mr Hiroshi, the owner of Prism Stone." Kira introduced.

"Nice meeting you Kiyomi." Hiroshi smiled.

"Me too, sir." Kiyomi said.

"So, which zone you wanna choose?"

"It's music."

"That's good. It's there. Go girls."

And all the girls get back to work. Kira and Ai started making beverages. Kotori and Chiyo worked on the new choreography. And Kiyomi and Mic started filling the shop with different musical sound. Kiyomi was enjoying herself also.

When they were finished, Hiroshi said. "I think you girls go to the skating rink. This is the prime thing, you came here for."

"Oh yeah. We forgot that." Kotori said. "Let's go." And they went to the rink.

"A real rink. And it's so big and amazing." Kotori exclaimed. She hurriedly put on her ice skates and started skating. She was good with skates. She did swirls, and small jumps, but not a prism jump.

"Kotori, you are amazing." Kira exclaimed with joy. She was standing near the rink with Ai. And Kiyomi and Mic was sitting on the side bench.

"Hey, Kira. Why are you standing there? C'mon. Let's skate." Kotori said.
"Me... umm... I can't skate. It's not my cup of tea. Plus I don't have skates right now."

"Hmmm... what about you Kiyomi?"

"I am not interested in all these stuffs."

"I see."

"Hey Kotori. Why don't you perform a Prism show for us?" Kira asked.

"What? Umm... Kira I can skate but I can't do a prism jump."

"So what? It doesn't matter."

"Prism shows without prism jump is useless." Kotori said.

"It's for entertainment. And we aren't here for a professional show. Just do a normal show under your capabilities." Kira encouraged.

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