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Kira was wandering and looking for an affordable skating rink.

"We need to find it. For Kotori." She said to Ai.

She was in the market and was exhausted because of walking so much.

"Hey, Kira." Hiroshi greeted her. He was standing out side the shop.

"Hello, sir. You remember my name?"

"Just call me Hiroshi. And yes, I remember your name. How can I forget, such a big fan of Prism Stone."

Kira smiled.

"Looking tired, Kira. Come in."

Kira went inside along with Ai and sat on one of the chair. Hiroshi brought her juice and cookies.

"So, what happen?"

"I am searching an affordable skating rink."

"For yourself?"

"No. It's for my friend, Kotori. She really loves skating. But she can't afford public skating rink."

"And you wanna help her."

"Yeah. I wanna help her so she can fulfill her dream of becoming a Prism Star."

Hiroshi was thinking something and then said. "Come with me."

Kira followed him. They walk past the shop and went to the back side. Hiroshi opened the door, and.... There was a real ice skating rink.

"It's amazing." Kira exclaimed with joy.

"You can use it."

"We can?"

"Yeah." Kira's joy was out of this world. "And how much we need to pay?"

"Nothing. Use it for free."

"Yay." Kira started jumping and dancing with joy. Ai was also twirling around her.

"But..." Hiroshi said.

They looked seriously at Hiroshi.

"There's a condition. You don't need to pay for it, but.... You with your friends have to work here, in Prism Stone. Do you agree?"

"Yeah. We will." Kira always admired Prism Stone, & working there was like heaven for her.

"Ask your friends, & as soon you join, you can use the rink."

"Hmm." She nodded and went away.

Next day in school, she talked to her friends and told them about the rink and Hiroshi's condition.

"Hmmmm...... I agree. I am ready for it. As long as I can skate, I am ready for anything." Kotori said.

"What a waste. I don't wanna be a prism star, so I won't come." Kiyomi stated.

"But Kiyomi. It'll be fun. We all will together work. Please come." Kira pleaded.

"No, Kira. I am not interested. You guys go."

"C'mon Kira. If she doesn't want to come then no problem. We will go." Kotori said.

"Hmm." Kira wasn't happy. She wanted all three of them to be together.

After school Kira and Kotori along with Ai and Chiyo went to the Prism Stone shop. Chiyo is Kotori's pet puppy. He is also a white dog, with blue bow tie.

"I came here once, but I didn't notice it this much at that time. But it's really beautiful and clean." Kotori said.

"Hello, ladies." Hiroshi greeted.

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