*Chapter one*

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I was frustrated with my hair. I tried a beautiful french braid, a simple braid brought up into a bun, and leaving it down. The white waves fell down my back like a cascading icy waterfall. I turned to the monitor projecting my every move. It reminded me of those old class mirrors only the richer people had from the old antique stores. I pressed a button on the counter and a green keyboard appeared on the counter.

My hands flew across the short projected keyboard. I turned to the other side of the room where a chrome cylinder in which I had painted beautiful floral and butterfly designs on. A red crescent band of chrome plastic popped up with a quiet vacuum noise. I plucked the hair band from it's slot with haste.

a loud buzzing sound came from a small speaker above on the roof, signalling that school would be starting in ten minutes and I was late getting ready. I smoothed my hair back with the plastic band and bounded out the morning correction room. We were allowed one hour in there for a rinse, a clothing, and to fix our hair up.

As my pounding feet reached the sensor on the second step a robotic voice called out, " Marley Prum, please slow down this is your last warning. I slowed to a light skip. I had tested what happened when you didn't comply to the robotic voice's orders. This was when I was only eight and I instantly regretted it. If you don't slow down you get a nasty shock up your feet and into your chest. Of course I was barefoot then.

I entered the consumption room and stole a box of strawberries from the storage cupboards that my mother had just opened. Mary, my twin sister, must have already left"Marley Prum...two house offenses. Running and miscalculating consumption portions." I ignored Mr. Robot as I waltzed out the door wolfing down my meal.

Five minutes. I had to violate rules to be there on time. Nothing for a fifteen year old and younger was more worse than missing even a few seconds of school.

The gates were beginning to close as I slipped inside the school grounds. Whew, made it! I thought to myself.

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