*Chapter three*

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The sound of ringing filled my ears. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed. I suddenly felt more awake knowing the chipping was today. I jumped out of bed, about to run to the morning correction room, but stopped when I remembered that there were rules to follow and knew that I didn't want to violate any rules for today. I walked to the morning correction room.  A sleeveless shirt, shorts, and a celebratory red dress came from a slot in the wall and landed on a small table. I stepped into a large cylinder and began to  undress.  I threw off my night tunic and my night trousers. I set them in the slot in the side of the cylinder. and they were vacuumed down the the laundry area. The green liquid fell down from the  the roof. Suds came from the sides of the cylinder. Three scrub brushes came from the wall and scrubbed me down.

A blue liquid washed the suds off and a fan  from above dried me off. The cylinder opened and I walked out to where my clothes for today were waiting. After putting the dress on I twirled around, the red silk flowing around me. 

We did have protocol for hair on days with such large events. I twisted my ponytail and brought it into a bun.  I stared at myself in the mirror. I was a plain girl with odd white hair. I sighed and exited the room. I skipped downstairs, missing every other step. There was no rule against skipping down the stairs nor was there a rule against skipping steps. Once I entered the consumption room, my mother embraced me with a kiss planted on my forehead. Mary came in with a blue dress and her black hair up in the same bun.

" Morning Marley." She sneered. I never did like how Mary acted on days like this. On her birth anniversary she thought that since she was the center of attention she was better than everyone. On mine, which was the next day, she ruined everything. I was left with a torn dress and a ruined birth anniversary. But thankfully Mary got a reconditioning.

Our mother went over and embraced Mary. Then she actually put a necklace around her neck. It was thick, gold colored, and had a silver dog tag like charm. Mary bounded out of the house with a smug smile. " Thanks mom..." I growled.

" It's a correctional collar. You know how Mary is on days with large events...." I smiled wickedly and scuttled out to catch up with Mary.

" I think mom went against violation." Mary said to me. " She has a favorite! I bet Father would have me as his favorite as well but oh well."

The smile created by mom's precautions fell and a frown replaced it. I had loved father dearly but he had mysteriously disappeared many years ago. We never knew what happened to him and we questioned why he was gone, they told us there was an accident. There was no celebration of passing which seemed oddly suspicious.

The town hall was bustling with children of the age of fifteen and shielders who stood by the doors and surrounding the building. The boys and girls lined up to receive their information to go take their test. Then we stand in line to receive chips. I never was told what they did, but I was sure that they were to keep us in check.

After a long while of waiting I stepped up to the desk. " And your name?" the lady at the desk asked. She had curly bright orange hair and red lipstick. She smiled a large toothy smile. She had red spots on her teeth from the lipstick.

" Marley Prum." I stated shyly. She nodded and her short curly hair bobbed as she did so. I stood there for five minutes before she handed me a small glass rectangle with a silver chrome case. She tapped the glass once and it came to life. The information for where and when I took my test. I  read the words on the screen and found the small building with a small door. This must have been the testing room for the girls because there wasn't a boy in sight.


I took a step forward, the line of fifteen year old girls was bustling with excited squeals and laughter. Everyone seemed at ease, everyone but me. Another step forward. I was afraid of this, this thing we all signed up for. Of course I wanted to be like everyone else and be perfect and normal, but did it mean giving myself to the Council? Two girls were escorted past by two burly men, also known as the sheilders. They had pale faces and their eyes blank. Odd. I was so distracted by my thoughts, I hadn't realized I was being called.

I followed a group of girls to five large pods. They opened up to reveal a white seat and a white chrome inside. I took a quick seat and adjusted myself to become comfortable. The pod closed. Three straps unfolded from the side of the chair, closing over me. They clamped my legs, my waist, my chest, and my arms down to the chair. I tried to control my breathing. The chrome walls of the pod rippled and a grey mist filtered down from the roof and up from the floor.

My head started to throb. My eyesight and hearing becoming weak. I closed my eyes. There was nothing I could do against it.


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