*Chapter five*

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Everyone could not believe what they were being told. I fidgeted with the fabric of my dress. I didn't want to become Nova, but it wasn't a choice I was able to make.

" You will be leaving the city and taking a trip to a facility outside of the city. You will be acquired with clothing and any other necessities... Now follow the shielders to the transports." the bald man said.

I stood from my feet and shuffled out with the other 59 fifteen year olds. My footsteps pounded in my ears along with the beat of my heart. I couldn't tell if other people could hear my heavy breathing but it was the only sound reverberating against the walls of my cranium. Three large transports rolled up to the sidewalk and their doors opened with a hiss. I stepped up while holding my dress down.

I sat on one of the soft seats inside the transport. Kayla sat next to me, eerily quiet and pale. I was questioning everything that was happening. The transport rumbled down the road to our destination. I gripped the sides of the seats as we bumped and were thrown every little turn or stop.

Kayla rammed into me as the the transport turned left. " You'd think they'd have restraints...." I muttered. Kayla nodded in agreement. Finally we came to a delayed stop. The doors hissed open with a quiet squeak. I helped the nauseous Kayla down from the transport. I looked up to see a towering building in front of us. 

I was dumbfounded. The shielders guided us in the gates and through the gardens of the building. The double doors cracked open to let us in. We were met by one large room that stretched out to a length of about 200 yards it looked like. A small desk circled a pillar with a small woman settled behind it.

She had dirty blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun. Her skin was fair and her purple tunic fitted her curves well. A shielder made his way to her while we waited in the center of the room. They spoke to each other before she stood, came from around her desk and greeted us with a smile.

" Well, welcome to the N.T.F. I will be your tour guide and will be escorting you all to your roommates in your cozy compartment rooms!" she said with fake enthusiasm.

" You mean we won't be picking our roommates?" some boy asked. The woman shook her head and replied with a frown, " it helps prevent any confrontations that would injure any Nova trainees."

" What did you say your name was again?" someone squeaked.

" Sheryl!" Sheryl beckoned us to follow her. We did to an elevator. She pressed a button and the elevator doors opened with a whoosh. I was surprised by the size of the interior. It would have fit way more than one hundred people. After filing in, we all got comfortable to the extra elbow room. After several seconds of the elevator giving us funny feelings in our stomachs, it came to a stop and opened.

Before us was a brightly lit room with objects that I couldn't place the name of.  " This will be your combat training unit where you will train with your new roommates..." Sheryl pressed the elevator button and the doors closed. We came to another stop and the doors opened.

We stared at the large pods in the room. " This is where you and your roommate will practice mental skills together. Each pair sits in a pod and they share the test. At the end you face your worst fears together. Some fears sometimes combining." Sheryl  took us to our last two stops. The consumption area, and the floor where our compartment rooms were. We followed Sheryl down the hall.

" Now I will be calling out your room numbers...."

I blanked out as she read off the list from a glass pad.

" Kayla Oxrick, room 27.... Marley Prum, room 28...." Kayla and I turned on our heels and marched to our rooms. She gave me a shy smile as she entered her room. I took a deep breath before entering mine. The room was huge, holding two large beds on separate ends of the room. There was a long window with a balcony. Than there was two walk in closets with a large amount of clothes. Sleeping clothes, combat clothes and even loose silk clothes for our mental training.

I heard a loud hissing noise and steam rolled out of a doorway and into the room. A girl in black pants, a black top that only covered her breasts, and blue socks. She brushed her long blue hair that was dripping wet. She paused and stared at me with her misty grey eyes. I couldn't peel my gaze away.

" You should get ready for combat training. We are going to be called in only a few minutes..." she had a voice deeper than mine, and had a little bit of an accent. I backed away into my closet and picked out an outfit. It was a red sleeveless, dark green tight pants, and combat boots.

The bathroom was smaller than I expected it to be, but it would do. After changing, I sat on my silk fabric covered bed. I had converted my bun into a french braid. My roommate smiled at me as she lifted her hair into a very tight and clean bun.

" So, do you have a name?" I questioned.

" Casey Hayden Morgan. Your's?" She came over and sat next to me on my bed with a cross of her legs.

" Marley Prum..." I was quiet, for I was shy and it was awkward being so close to someone who had no real shirt on. " Aw, I want to know your middle name!" Casey set her elbows on my shoulder and propped her chin up on her palms.

" Farah." I never liked saying my middle name. It embarrassed me. " Pretty. Well, I'm calling you Mar and there is nothing you can do to change my mind. Call me whatever you like but I prefer Hayden or Casey." Casey patted my white locks as she got up. A blue light began flashing in our room.

" Time for combat Mar." Casey gave me an opened mouthed smile with a wink. She was a strange one without a proper top.

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