*Chapter seven*

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I sat in the shower as hot blue liquid came pouring down on me. I hugged my knees to my chest while steam billowed through the room.

Could I do this?

The stress was building and I had no way of escaping it. We were all put under a lot of pressure and we were probably bound to snap. That was probably why Casey was having a nightmare last night.

Stress could cause horrid dreams that would pile on more stress and I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I stood to turn off the falling liquid. I stepped out with a deep sigh and quickly changed into the silk clothes we wear for mental training. What was stupid was that we did this before breakfast.

The door slid open and Casey gave me a quick once over. I looked over at Kayla who was leaning against the door with a nasty scowl on her face. "Why can't those boys just leave us alone?!?" She exclaimed.

"They are persistent little snots...." Casey grumbled. I had not noticed that the boys who had harassed us the day before had stayed outside our door all night. I watched the holographic image beside Kayla. She looked over at me, than quickly changed her focus to the boys.

A Shielder came walking down the hall. He stopped before the boys.
"What are you doing in the women's corridors? This is off limits to male Nova trainees!"

The boys said their agreements and left, the shielder tailing them. A green light flashed boldly in our room, signaling that it was time for our mental training. Kayla pressed the button to open the door with a grin aimed towards me. This morning she seemed a little grouchy.

I followed Casey down to the training would be held. We joined the rest of the fifteen year olds who stood in front of Sheryl. Her hair was neater and pulled up into a tight braid, which looked pretty nice on her.

"Each pair will occupy one pod. You will be facing your fears together and have to find a way to overcome them. If you can't handle it, you will be eliminated and sent to a facility where you will become watchers or shielders..." She clasped her hands together.

"Will we be able to see our families again?" A girl with a high pitched voice asked.

"Not unless you survive the next five weeks of training. Even with combat training you will be observed and if you cannot meet Nova expectations, you are likely to be eliminated. If you are to be eliminated you might as well forget you had a family." Sheryl smiled.

The we all went deathly quiet. Now the stakes were higher and I had to work even harder to keep my mind.

The pods opened, showing two black cushioned seats and shiny white panaling covered the inside of the pod. " The pods you will be working in have a number. It will have the the same number as your room number. Girls find your pods, boys follow me into the next room..." Sheryl guided the boys into the next room.

Casey took my arm and pulled me to the other side of the room. 25 26 27 28.

" Here we are." Casey climbed inside and I followed suit. The pod closed, as it did, metal straps came up and restrained us to the seats. I took a deep breath before I actually couldn't take in a single breath. As Casey and I choked on the fumes, I started feeling light headed and drowsy.

My eyes drooped and before I even noticed it I was unconscious.

I opened my eyes and saw Casey sitting in front of me. She looked scared. "We're in the air..." She mumbled.

She was afraid of flying. The wall of the air transport slid aside, and we were suddenly at the edge of the transport. I saw a vast blue ocean spreading out for miles and miles below us. The transport starting flying lower. I gripped Casey's hand because this was my fear, large bodies of water.

I felt a shove from behind and the laughter of the boys we had dealt with. I fell through the air towards the blue waves. I froze before straitening my body. I had learned from my instructor that water is like concrete and that it could kill you if you landed in it in a wrong position.

My feet touched the cool water, than my body crashed beyond the surface of the water. I wanted to swim back up, but I floundered, causing me to float down. Air pockets escaped my nose and mouth as my body tensed from fear.

I felt an arm around my waist. I was being pulled back to the surface, where a stale ocean breeze filled my lungs. I coughed up gritty water and wrapped my arms very tightly to the person who had rescued me.

I looked into Casey's eyes. She brought me closer as I held her shoulders. Her arm began to slip and I dug my fingers into her skin. Casey held me as tight as she could as to not let go. I pushed the top of my head under her chin, feeling safe and secure.

" Climb onto my back Mar..." She said softly, as if the wrong tone could make me shatter. I slowly moved around her, almost falling back into the dark ocean, and climbed onto her back. I wrapped my arms around her neck, wanting to be safe and secure again.

Casey began swimming. She tried her best to keep me above the calm waves, and made sure I wouldn't slip.

After about what seemed like an hour, Casey stopped. A large wave formed and crashed down on us.

But we weren't drowning from being forces under water. We were in a black void, looking at the stars and galaxies. I carefully climbed down from Casey's back and fell to my knees. Casey sat beside me and laced her fingers through mine. She pushed my head onto her shoulder and said, " I can't keep this a secret anymore..."

I sat up to look her in the eye.

" What's wrong Casey?"

"Please don't hate me or reject me...or try and keep away from me when we get through this..." She pleaded.

I nodded.

" You won't believe me..." She pulled me in closer to her.

" Oh Casey, how hard did you fall?"
What a surprise! Do you guys think there should be a ship or not?
Find out by reading more!
- Venom-Reaper16

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