Chapter 25: Tears from Lachlan

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Chapter 25: Tears from Lachlan

Luke’s POV

I pick up a cup of coffee to take to the lounge for Beau. Jai has gone to Kirsten’s house, and Mum is sitting with Beau.

“What are you going to do Beau? You’re going to be a father. I’m going to be a Nana! What’s going to happen now!?” I walk in on Mum crying in Beau’s arms.

Well that’s not the scene I was expecting. Should it not be the other way around? I place the coffee on the table than sit back.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen Mum, but it’ll be ok.” Beau reassures not only her but himself.

“Christina has known Taylor is pregnant for ages” I say my thoughts out loud to no-one in particular. “That is why she has been acting weird. I thought it was just me, or maybe that she didn’t like it here in Australia.”

For a minute we’re all just sitting there, thinking to ourselves in silence.

“I hope Jai and Kirsten are ok” Mum whisper’s” Before can answer her, Beau’s phone rings.

He lets go of his hug with Mum to answer it.

“Hello” he says tiredly.

I hear someone on the other side screaming.

“Taylor” Beau replies into his phone “It’s going to be ok, just calm down. This needs to be done.”

The front door opens “Beau where are you!?” Lachlan’s voice screams through the house.

“Taylor, I have to go. Love you.”

Wait, did Beau just say love?

Beau’s POV

I put my phone back in my pocket. As I walk toward the front door, I tell Luke and Mum to stay inside. I walk outside; shutting the door fearing what was going to come next.

“Lachlan” I turn around forcing a smile.

“You” he grunts back his fists clenched. I try not to show that I’m scared. “You did this to her!” He screams pushing me against the wall of the house.

“Lachlan I I-I” I struggle to find the words. “I didn’t do this purposely Lachlan-”

“Now you listen to me you pr*ck. I don’t care how this happened or why. But you got my little sister pregnant. Did you know that she’s been pregnant before?? Huh? She had a miscarriage” he pushes me into the wall.

I swear I see tears in his eyes. He looks down. When he looks back up at me I see a tear fall. “That’s the saddest I’ve ever seen my sister before” he croaks. “I never want to see her like that ever again. I don’t know if I’ll be handle it if I see her like that again”

He suddenly breaks down there right in front of me. I do the first thing I think of. I hug him. After a couple of seconds he pushes me away. “This is so gay” he laughs. “Me crying. You hugging me.” He wipes his tears away. “This is not how I planned this talk with you” he admits.

“It’s ok Lachlan.” I say.

Ignoring my comment he carries on talking “Taylor is going to have this baby. And you are going to support her and the baby 100%. You will not ever abuse or hurt her in anyway. And you will not do a runner, you will stay and support her. Do you understand?”

“I understand.”

“And Beau” he pushes my shoulder roughly into the wall “If you do leave or hurt her in anyway or tell anyone that I cried I will hunt you down and murder you. And don’t think I’m not serious.”

“I won’t Lachlan. I love her.” I say before he can turn to walk away.

“You’re a good guy Beau. And I actually like you. I just wish you hadn’t got my sister pregnant.”

I watch him walk away. As he is walking something inside of me explodes. Happiness or courage. I don’t know exactly what has come over me. But at this moment I feel like this is how everything is meant to be. In a way Lachlan basically told me or gives me permission to be with Taylor. I love Taylor and we’re having a baby together. I’m only 18, but I couldn’t be more excited.

Running from the past (a Janoskian fan-fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora