Chapter 3: tour of the school

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"Jano what?" I was really confussed.

"Oh never mind. I'll exsplain later. Or you'll most likely find out yourself."


"Anyway lets start with the tour of the school!" James happily chirped.

He showed me our science room, he exsplained to me how to remember the right room. So I wouldn't walk into the wrong door. I'll alwas remember tho! Locker 69 is exactly diagonal of our science room. James thought he was pretty smart telling me that one. He than lead me down a thin pathway which basically started at the window of our science room. The path leads to the gyms. "There are 7 gyms" he said as we arrived to the large oak tree. Beyond the oak tree looked like one simple gym. "7 gyms? Really. This looks like one simple gym."

"That's what everyone says when they first see it. Here I'll show you ." He took my hand.Which was kinda awkward but I didn't let go. Neither did he. He showed me the enterance to main gym 1. He exsplained that I only really needed to know about 3 of the gyms. Main gym 1, Main gym 2 which were the gyms used for P.e and the girls workout gym. Which is well the gym that girls could exercise in. There were treadmills, bikes, a couple of rowers etc. The other 4 gyms were for the boys workout gym, the basketball gym (penola was very big on basketball & sometimes held some home games in that gym), the gymnastics gym (which had a lot of gymnastics gear like beams, vaults and stuff) and the rock climbing/pool gym. Penola is vey big on sports and fitness James exsplained. Still holding my hand he showed me the field which was located behind the gyms. "Over there" he said pointing letting go of my hand "is the long jump pit"

"Wow this field is huge" I said amazed.

"Sure is eh! Haha, were not allowed to hang out on the field at break times tho." He pointed to the cricket pitch, the soccer field, & the rugby field. He then took me round the building that was to the left of us. "This is the drama room" he said signalling to the building as we walked passed. "And that is the court"he sais pointing to the (concrete) court. "I chill with my mates there most days playing ball and stuff some girls have a game of netball there to"

"nice" I replied.

"This brings us back to the drama room" James says leading me back around. "I'll show you in?" He questioned. I nodded. "We have drama after math" he said looking down at his watch. "In 8 minuets we have to be in math, after this we'll head there." The drama was split into 5 parts. The senior drama room (which is the class I would be in with James), the junior drama room, the private lessons room, and the girl and boy costumes/changing rooms. "Nice" I said. "At my old school we only had one drama room."

James smiled at waved at someone in the window of the senior drama room as we were leaving. "That's Luke" he said pointing to the guy he was waving to in the window. Luke smiled at me. "Down that path is the Art, wood & fabrics tech rooms" James exsplaines pointnig to the side path of the drama room. "The English block is over there near th front of the school" He said pointing. "Its two story,our English class is on the top floor." Great stairs I thought. "I'll show you later tho, lets head to class now."

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