Chapter 9: pills, get the pills!

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Chapter nine: pills, get the pills!

"Taylor thanks so much for letting us use your backyard" Laykn yelled over the sound of the hose cleaning up the puke.

"It was great fun, not" Beau joked joining me standing inside. "Mum is cooking burgers over at home, wanna come over? The rest of us are gonna chill there for a bit"

Chilling, with Laykn. Chilling with Reece Mastin. Chilling with Beau. Chilling with my bestest friend in the world. This day could not get any better.

Or so I thought.

*1 hour later*

"And what do you think your doing!" Beau shouted at James pushing him with force.

"Bro chill, we were just playing round" James laughed.

I stepped back from the scene happening in front of me banging into the side of the pool. Which hurt a bit but I couldn't bring myself to take my eyes off Beau or James.

"What, you touching Taylor like that was just playing around?" Beau puffed with rage in his eyes. "James, you know how I feel about her" Beau continued. "Yet you go around right in front of me trying to get into her. WTF James?"

"News flash, you don't own Taylor, and I met her first." James shot back.

They were arguing about me like I wasn't even here. Then all of a sudden it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I missed it all along. Beau liked me? And James did to? I thought we were friends. Is this what happened when a girl became friends with a boy? I was so confussed. How did I get here? What was I doing in this pool with two boys fighting over me? No. This was bringing to much bad memories. I had to get out.

God heard my prayers and I was lifted out. I looked to who was pulling me out. Laykn. "Guys calm down!" Luke yelled jumping into the pool trying to break up the fight that was slowly turning serious. "Laykn take her inside, keep her there to" Skip ordered before jumping in the pool himself.

Laykns POV

"Mate, I'm the man at arm wrestles. I will will waste you!" I confidently challenged Skip.

"Oh yeah? Its on" he smirked with a determined look on his face.

I won of course, much to Skip's disgrace. "Would you guys like another drink?" Gina asked opening the drink. But before I could answer I turned behind me to face the pool. Beau and James seemed to be having a fight. And before having a second thought I shot up nearly knocking the table of and rushed over to Taylor to get her out so she wouldn't be hurt. I pulled her out without much struggle, as she was quite light and held her in my arms.

"Guys calm down!" Luke yelled as he rushed over to the pool jumping in.

I didn't even know what was going on but James and Beau seemed to be having a serious fight. And Taylor looked frozen in that pool, it was an instinct to lift her out.

"Laykn take her inside, keep her there to" Skip told me with an uncertain urgency in his voice.

Something was definitely wrong. I looked down at Taylor as I rushed inside. Her blue eyes looked back at me widely with a strange sense of pain or worry behind them. Her breathing increased than her body jerked suddenly causing me to nearly drop her.

"Whats going on?" Christina asked her voice filled with worry.

"I don't exactly kn-"

"Lachlan... Pills." Taylor chocked out.

"Call Lachlan, tell him Taylor is asking for pills" I said to Christina, not focusing on her I looked down at Taylor wondering what was wrong with her.

"Waterrrr" Taylor struggled to say.

"Gina, Kirsten I need a class of water now!" I yelled.

I must remain calm, something was wrong with Taylor and I had no clue what. She looked faint. Kirsten rushed over and held a held a straw to Taylor's mouth allowing her to drink. After drinking a couple of gulps she managed to say without much struggle "Laykn, please let go of me"

Kirsten looked at me with concern in her eyes. "I'll sit with her." I Placed her on the couch gently her body dripped water on the couch leaving a mark instantly. I walked out to the pool confused, I just help her out and she asks me to leave without a thank you? What just happened?

I'm shocked at the scene in front of me as I arrive at the pool.

Before I can walk any further my phone rings. I look at the caller ID. Management.

"Hello" I answer.

"Hello Laykn, its Emma. You have been booked in as opening act for Paramore in Sydney later on tonight. Their original opening act bailed. This is a great opportunity for you. Where are you?"

I give her the address and walk out the front door without turning around. I am so not use to this drama, its not what I signed up for.

Beau's POV

James& Skip had gone home, Skip's sister picked him up. Taylor, Lachlan & Reece (Taylors bro) also went home. Reece (Mastin) went to town with some other friends he had in Melbourne as he would be back to come to Maddie's party later. So It was just me, Mum, Jai, Luke and Lala at home. Jai and Luke were outside cleaning up around the pool and I was in the bathroom cleaning up my bloody nose, which ached so bad. The punch James threw at me was pretty powerfull. Me and James were so not ment to do this, I mean we were best friends! We were happy funny people right? That's basically the whole reason I have reached my friend limit on facebook, the reason the janoskians have 200,000 subs. Because we were funny. We were happy. I was so not happy right now. I was furious. I told James I had feelings for Taylor. Yet he flirts with her and touches her up right in front of me?

"Beau are you in there?" Mum asked knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yes Mum." I said proceeding to wipe the blood off my face.

"We need to talk" she sternly said walking off.


A/N: hope you enjoyed reading, until next time

x0x0 gossip goat

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