Perfection Of Light

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Perfection Of Light

~I am a spectacle of light,

A stream of flying colors.

I am never just 'there',

My appearance is only earned after a storm.

When seen,

My beauty is unimpaired,

Like the shimmering ocean waves on a bright new day.

The impeccable feeling granted to me gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I, a masterpiece, lit up the world.

I can feel the sun's warmth touch to my colors along with the wind beating down on my face.

I shimmer like the night sky, radiant like the lone star in the night.

I often can trace the flowers from the fields which only reminds me that I am alone, like the setting sun.

It's only seconds my face reaches the air, and then I am swallowed into the open jaws of darkness, like torrential rain beating on my shoulders.

However I am always soaring even if you can't see that I am there.

I may be abstruse, but always know that I am there, the rainbow sent from heaven's air. ~

Please Note: This poem was created by me, and I do not approve of copying my work. Please do not use this poem, this only only for the enjoyment of my readers.

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