Hiding Behind a Screen

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We're simply hiding behind a screen
But I wish I could know what you really mean
Everything's different when you're at home
And it's impossible to determine your tone

We can't see each other's eyes
And we surely can't see those lies
Like you could when you're face to face
Maybe this all is a mistake

Even when we send pictures
My head is still spinning with lectures
From my mama and my friends, please, don't do this again
I can never pretend

The system has been broken
I can't just be given a token
For another chance
To accept your dance
And wind up tired and done

You've taken everything I've offered
So why, oh why, can't you take me?
Just accept my plea
And we can be as happy as can be
Because I really just want to stop hiding behind a screen

Talk to me, tell me what you really mean
I can't read eyes through a text
I should just say thanks, next
But I'm still holding on
Even though I know you're wrong
And I really wish you would tell me to go
Instead of just leaving me here so

Stop hiding behind a screen
Come out, tell me what you really mean
I want to see your pretty, blue eyes
And that smile, that sweet, sweet smile

Do you want me? Yes or no?
I will leave if you tell me to go
But first you must tell me the truth
If I'm really all you have
And if I'm really the only one you want

I guess you never wanted me at last
And sadly you left so fast
For the girl with the pretty eyes
Who would take you on, no ties
No strings attached
Just for some fun
But come on, we both know what she's for
She'd let you love her, and you could ask for more

More than what I could ever give
But at least I told you what I meant
And I didn't hide behind my phone

I'm still lost without your eyes
I think I loved you, once, maybe sometime
And even though I lost you to her
I knew in the end, something, eventually, will still stir.

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