Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Play the song and read with it....Happy reading

HUNTER PULLED DEVON out from under the air bag, opened the rear door and settled her on the soft leather. Other than the oozing prick-point at her neck, a cut on her fore head and some swelling, she is still breathing.

He  turned to deal with the two security guards who'd heard the crash and barreled through the back door of the club.

"What the hell's going on?" The first guy's name was Joe and he was an Austin firefighter. He had a wife, two ex-wives and six kids, and so he moonlighted on the weekends as a bouncer. He had his cell in hand and was about to call in the accident  when Hunter turned his full attention on the man.

"Nothing," he said. The man looked ready to call the police anyway but then his glazed over and he nodded.

Hunter went through the same spiel with bouncer number two.

Luckily, they were in the rear parking lot, which didn't have have as much traffic as the one just across the street. A paid lot that offered  security. The back lot was strictly for overflow and employees, so Hunter didn't have to deal with anyone else coming out during the next few moments as he checked for damage to the car.

Other than a smashed right fender, everything else looked okay. He stuffed the air bag back into place, slid behind the wheel and flipped open the glove box. He retrieved her purse and found her wallet.

A glanced at her driver's license and his stomach knotted.

Skull Creek.

The truth echoed in his head, along with a rush of dread because he'd just had the most incredible sex of his afterlife and now the plan was to gain as much distance as possible from the woman who'd given it to him.

He had a vampire  to kill and a score to settle. He needed his concentration. His focus.


Could his night get any worse?

A great big Hell, yes! smacked him upside the head when he pulled into the parking lot of a convince store a short distance from the club and slid into the backseat to check on Devon.

The place had long since closed and everything was dark, but he could see her any way. Her smooth skin and full lips. The soft fan of her lashes on her cheeks. The swelling on her forehead was getting worse and Hunter had the gut feeling that she had a concussion.


He couldn't very well take her to a hospital and risk her gaining consciousness and blowing his cover to an entire E.R. full of doctors and nurses before he'd had a chance to mesmerize her and zap her memory. Not  that they'd believe her, but the incredible story wuld surely stir some gossip and attention.

With Benny James on his heels, he couldn't afford either.

He had no choice but to help her himself.

Hesitation rushed through him. Ridiculous, of course. It wasn't like he was going to turn her to a vampire. She would have to be on her death bed for that. Only if she drank some of his blood while dying would she become a vampire.

She was merely wounded, which meant his blood wouldn't turn her. It would only heal her, and strengthen the bond that already existed between  them because of the sex.

He'd drank in her orgasm---her essence---which meant he could now feel her. If she frank his life-blood---his essence---she would be able to feel him, as well. His lust. His anger. His sorrow. His secrets. How strong those feelings would be, he wasn't sure. He'd never share his blood with a human. He only knew the bond would become a two-way street.

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