Chapter Nine

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Nerdy hunter :P

Chapter Nine

HUNTER MEANT TO HEAD STRAIGHT for the bar and grill, but instead found himself standing in front of Skull Creek's one and only custom motorcycle shop.

Sweet, sweet revenge.

That was the reason he'd come here first. He'd waited a long time to confront his family's killer and he wasn't about to waste another second, even if he was weaker than he would have liked. He needed to lay the past to rest. He couldn't change what happened that night, but he could make sure that Garret Sawyer never murdered again.

He could do something now when he'd been too late to do something then.

Shadows gathered around him as he stared up at the front of the building.

Other than the neon blue Home of Skull Creek Coopers that hummed in the front window and the hi-tech security pad that sat next to the entrance, the place looked like Mayberry.

The building was an old fifties service sation complete with antique gas pumps and an orange and white Devey's flipflop ball rotated atop an iron pole. An ancient soda machine filled with glass bottles sat to the left of the front windows.

Old-fashioned signs for everything from Goo Goo Clusters to Husky Motor Oil hung here and there.

He vision sharpened as he stared through the windows. The inside had been turned into an office area complete with several large filling cabinets and an impressive computer system. Framed pictures of various custom made choppers lined the wall along with a DBA certificate and a sales tax permit. Behind the computer system stood another wall of windows that overlooked the actual machine shop.

Florescent lights blazed overhead, illuminating several stainless steel work tables and and the frame of current work in progress. An industrial strength welding unit sat nearby, along with a large grinder, several sprayers and an impressive assortment of tools that lined the walls.An array of saw blades covered one twelve-foot surface.

It looked like an average machine shop, not the hideout of a vicious, murdering vampire. Doubt niggled at Hunterand stirred the one question that still remained unanswered about that night.

If Garret Sawyer had slaughtered the woman and children and set the ranch on fire to cover his tracks after feeding frenzy, then why hadn't Sawyer done the same thing  to the brothers? Why had he turned them instead?

Because he's a ruthless, unpredictable, bloodthirsty vampire.

Hunter told himself for the countless time. Covered in blood. With the murder weapon in his hand.

He's guilty, all right.


Hunter ignored the last thought and concentrated on the sounds drifting from the inside.

"If you don't hurry up, they're going to leave without us," a soft, feminine voice said.

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing," came the deep reply.

A door creaked open somewhere and Hunter felt a rush of tingling awareness. His muscles clenched and his gut tightened and he barely resisted the urge to put his fist through the glass and barrel in.

But there was a woman inside.

While, Hunter had every intention of ripping Garret Sawyer's black heart, he wasn't losing control and taking out an innocent bystander.

"You've got a one-track brain," the woman declared.

"You at like that's a bad thing."

"Actually," the woman purred, "It's a very good thing. It's just that I've been wanting to see this movie for over three months..."

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