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There's a fire. It's hot, you feel, yet goosebumps still manage to crawl up your skin. You can't see very well, but you're in a mall of sorts. How the fire started is beyond you...It's hot.
"(y/n)!" Someone's calling for you. You move your head around, trying to find the source. It sounds familiar but you can't seem to pinpoint whose name it was. "Help!"
"Where are you?" You call out, taking a step out but a flame falls down, stopping you in your tracks. It's really hot - despite your goosebumps, you're sweating.
You want to help whoever was calling your name, because they obviously were of some importance to you, but your feet don't move. Where were they? You needed to escape. But so did they. Could you really bare the guilt of leaving someone behind for the rest of your life...?
"(y/n)!" The same voice calls out for you again, followed by a loud and sharp scream.
"No! No, where are you?"
"(y/n)? (y/n), wake up!"
You sit up, breathing heavily and your throat dry. "W - wh..." Jisoo is sitting at the edge of your bed, his eyes creased with concern as he pulls you into a hug.
"Shh, it's okay. It was just a nightmare, (y/n)." He holds you out at arms length and wipes your wet cheeks. You hadn't realized you were crying. The room was still hot. "It's okay. Breathe. You're fine."
You realize the situation now and bury your face into Jisoo's chest. He had decided to spend the night and the fact that he heard you shouting from the couch in the living room, where he was sleeping, means you were pretty loud. You glance at the clock. It was 3AM.
"Sorry. I'm sorry I woke you," you whisper.
"It's okay. I'm right here."
The two of you stay like that, in the night, with him playing with your hair as you tried to relax. You're thankful for your friend the most at times like these, where you had someone to soothe you. Your platonic relationship with him was one of the best, and you valued your friendship with him the most.
He gave you warmth.
"Can you stay for the rest of the night?"
"Yeah, okay." He crawls in bed next to you and you cuddle up to his side. Most of your friends claim the both of you had something going on but it was really the opposite. You were just really close to him and felt comfortable to act the way you act around him. He was like a brother to you - although, you don't think you'd cuddle with your brother.
"Thanks, you know," you say suddenly.
"For what?"
"For being here for me."
He laughs and you can't see his face but you can feel him grin. "What are friends for?"

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