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"(y/n)'s coming over so don't embarrass me again," Seungkwan announces as he walks into the living room of the dorm, where twelve boys turn their heads to face him.
"Why would we embarrass you in front of (y/n)?" Seungcheol frowns.
Seungkwan gives him a look before folding his arms in front of his chest. "I'm serious you guys. I really like (y/n)."
"So tell her," Jeonghan says, giving him a raised eyebrow and smile which causes the younger vocalist to sputter in disagreement.
"Right, because this is the perfect environment for that," he scoffs just as there's a knock on the door. "That's (p/n). Don't embarrass me, please," he whines, giving them a little praying nod before getting the door.
The first thing he notices about you is how well you've dressed. Seungkwan finds himself smiling for that reason and lets out a cough to hide it. He really did like you, and wanted to confess as much as the next person but he didn't have enough nerve, was he really willing to be rejected by you so soon?
"You came!" He exclaims, ushering you into the dorm, closing the door behind him. "Let's go to my room quickly before – "
"(y/n)! Hey!" Mingyu hollers from the living room, poking his head over the couch and giving a toothy grin before waving you over. "Where are you going so quickly?"
"Seungkwan was just – " You gesture at him before shaking your head and smiling at the group. "Hi all."
"(y/n)!" Soonyoung bounces up to you and ruffles your hair, bending down to be at your eye-level. "How's my favorite little person?"
Wonwoo giggles. "Literally, little, huh?
You pout. "I'm not that little."
Seokmin giggles. "You're smaller than Jihoon I think."
While the group chattered on about how "cute and tiny and small" you were, Seungkwan grumbled in the corner of the room, scowling at his friends. They were doing it again - embarrassing him.
"You are shorter than Jihoon," Jisoo notices, measuring the two of you as you stood next to Jihoon, who had a scowl reflecting Seungkwan's. "Interesting."
"Enough!" Seungkwan yelps. "You guys have said enough about (y/n)'s height. Let's talk about you guys now. Let's talk about how the stylist always spends an extra 15 minutes on Soonyoung's hair because it never co-operates."
"Hey!" The dancer pouts, patting his hair defensively. "Beauty takes time, you know."
Seungkwan rolls his eyes as you tug on his sleeve, awkwardly. "It's okay, let's just go now – "
But Seunggwan's not finished. He shakes his head, assuring you that it was okay and turns back to the group. "And let's also talk about how Seungcheol's small feet and how Mingyu looks like a tree. Seokmin – "
"Geez, what's the big deal, Seungkwan? Why are you getting so defensive? It's like you like (y/n) or something," Seungcheol hums, studying his nails with a smile.
Seungkwan stops short and holds his breath, glancing over at you who was staring back with attentive eyes. He takes a deep breath and nods, frowning. "That's because I do. I do like (y/n) and you guys teasing her like so bothers me a lot."
"Well, if that's the case, we'll leave you two to it," Mingyu giggles, climbing off the couch. "Seungcheol, treat us to ice cream, will you?"
The leader grumbles a response about how this wasn't the initial plan but the rest of the boys follow anyways, boarding out the door and leaving the dorm silent as if there was no one there to begin with.
Seungkwan shifts on his feet, not knowing what to say next as the two of you stood in silence. He hadn't meant to confess like that, but he was partly glad that it was now out of the way and off his chest. For a minute, he feels relieved.
He lifts his heavy head to face you who has a gentle smile on your lips. You let out a small laugh, biting your lip as you avoid his gaze. "Thank you."
He lets out a breath and smiles back, shaking his head. "It's no problem. Here, let's go get some ice cream too." He turns to make his way for the door but you stop him, grabbing his sleeve.
"Wait, I'm not done." When Seungkwan turns back around, he's greeted by your lips crashing onto his and he's overwhelmed by the good surprise. With your arms around his neck, you return the confession. "I like you too, Boo Seungkwan."

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