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A rich, hot, smart, business woman who made a million dollar in a week, that's how I describe myself. A superficial adult who is in charge of the largest company in Asia, yes you guessed it I am filthy rich. The daughter of the founder of the Pacific Lions group, the heiress of the whole big company. Well to be honest I have been a poor girl and a rich girl, and I choose rich every.fucking.time.

They show my face as a cover of the Times magazine. Noted by being the strongest woman to hold power on Asia by Forbes. Even they said that to just call me a woman is very underrated. I am a goddamn goddess, and if you wonder what about my mom? Well, she holds 25% of the share while I only have 20% which half of it I but it by myself, but still except Pacific Lions group, I have another company, Roses and Spades Inc.

Anyway my name is  Roxellana Tanoewidjaya, my sister Aleesha Tanoewidjaya and my cousin Lilithia Nugroho. I know it's hard to pronounce but whatever.

And what I am going to tell you is I don't believe in such thing called love, it's fake. My father cheats since a year ago with a playboy magazine model that is only 5 years older than me, he spoiled me with so much money and shares to shut me up. One day my mother found out and everything broke down, our house was a total mess. So I decided to brought my younger sister to California and left my parents alone.

So that night I took off from Indonesia with my private jet, fly all the way to Los Angeles. My sister was crying, her beautiful face was screwed up. I mean she was only 16 at that time, it must have been hurt. I calm her down while I was sipping my Dom Perignon Rose champagne.

"It's okay sweetheart, you did nothing wrong." I calm her down with low-soft tone

"I know" she groan

"Why the fuck are you sipping champagne, are you celebrating this shit?!" she shouted so loudly that my cousin which also my personal assistant stared at her.

"No but I hope someday you will grow up to be like me." I sip my champagne

"What? A cold-hearted bitch?" she wipes her tears around her cheeks

"Exactly" I pointed her face

"Ugh, I cant be like you. I mean what makes you like that?" she crosses her arms

"Sweetheart, I was 14 and I finally realize that love is bullshit. I learnt a lot at that time. That's why every time I date a boy, I never be too serious about it. I mean they always play around, they only want the taste of your body and once they are bored they will leave. Like dad"

She rolled her eyes, with a huge frown in her mouth

"That's why use your so called modern woman brain. I mean stay at home and always obey your husband? If you are denying, your husband can just hit you whenever he wants. Isn't that slavery? No?" I shook my head

"I agree with you even tough I take relationship seriously" my cousin smirks

And we laugh for the rest of the night. We stopped by at Abu Dhabi before we continue our journey to Los Angeles for some maintenance and fuel filling.

"Good morning Ms. Tanoewidjaya, here is your morning coffee" said the stewardess while she was giving me a vanilla latte, my favorite.

"Thank you" I stretch my body and look around my surroundings, both of them still sleep tightly

While they were still sleeping I continue to do my work while sipping my coffee, workaholic I am.

Few hours later, we arrived in LAX. My chauffeur picked me up in a Rolls Royce right in front of my business jet followed by a Cadillac at the back full of my bodyguards ,

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