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Sorry for the late publishing >.< I have a lot of business affair lately, there is a new project my father and I working, so I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Regards, Sasha

"What happen to you dad?" I asked as I heard him sobbing

"Your mom is sick" he stopped

"What kind of sickness"

"High fever and stuff, the doctor said that she's too tired, she is in coma right now"

"I'll be right there, I'll be back"

"I will see you here honey" my dad close the phone call

"Darrius my mom..."

"I will come along with you"

"Thanks but you really don't need-"

"I said I'll go with you"

I called Aleesha and explain everything to her, I told her to go by this afternoon from LA to Indonesia while I will go right away from Italy to Indonesia. I packed my stuff and told Zara and Theo about it, they said they will take care of the Ferrari, Darrius and I rushed into the helicopter and went off to the airport. I was scared, I am afraid that something will happen to my mom

"You know Darrius, I can go by myself and you can stay and relax" I told him

"Yeah... But, I really want to be with you"

I feel chill down my spine

"Thank you..."

When we arrived there we right away took care of all the legal stuff and chartered a plane that we can use very quickly to arrive in Indonesia. While we were on board, I was thinking about my mom, I love her so much that I couldn't imagine of losing her.

"What do you think could happen to my mom?" I asked Darrius, he stares at me for awhile

"Nothing, she will be fine" he smiled, giving some positivity.

"Are you sure" I exhale a long breath

"Yeah" he sips his whiskey

Time flew so fast as my eyes starts to swollen, I've been crying while Darrius was sleeping. No, I wouldn't let anyone see me crying, come on, do you think rich people can show their emotion freely. They must be generous and cold at the same time, showing who is the boss. It's like giving charity but shudder without smile even if you feel the joy of the people you are doing good to.

I ran to the bathroom and wash my face, it really shows that I cried so hard, my nose was running and red. My eyes were swollen and the aura is not good on me. I washed my face several time and brush my teeth. I went to my seat and asked the stewardess to take me a shot glass, I was asking for vodka. I must attend sober but half not at the same time. Darrius woke up, and was having a very weird face showed, it is like saying what the hell.

After our super long journey, we arrived in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Everything was doing well, and my chauffeur and some body guards were waiting outside the jet. I get off the jet and let my men to take care of the rest, one of my dad assistant was there. She took care of all the law based stuff, my luggage, and payment. I sat down on my car, waiting for her to enter the car, she took care of everything so quickly.

"How is the trip miss?" she asked

"It's fine, how is mommy?"

"She's... still in coma" she sigh while she was busy with her iPad and phone, arranging stuff

"My dad... where is he?"

"In the office miss, our gentleman right here, which hotel will he stay in?"

Between Billionaires (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang