Chapter One: Bliss

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    #‎JustWriteIt #EarthLove

Luna was sitting on the long, lush pink grass of her planet Zion, soaking up the warmth from the blue star within their solar system, enjoying the fresh breeze the wings of the large tree gulls gave off as they flew past her, in flocks. She closed her eyes and breathed in their majestic scent brought from their joyous chatter. There was a song in the air. It was the season of the summer lilies', which sang all day, sounding like an orchestra playing to the tune of the stars. Luna as well as the rest of the native inhabitants of Zion, had extra sensory hearing, smell, and taste. They all enjoyed the sounds the planets made as they sang and buzzed and hummed from one season to the next. Each flower had a different sound and each animal a different scent which was accompanied by colours of different kinds. Everything on the planet flowed in harmony.

Luna was sitting next to her favourite waterfall, sipping on its succulent juice. This waterfall brought spiritual insight and wisdom to all who drank from it, showering them with visions of the creator of the planet and how much he loved them. All the Sundirra loved him as though they knew him intimately. Not everyone could drink and enjoy the sweetness as much as Luna could. She was young and high-spirited and enjoyed a challenge. She was wiser than most and experienced more visions than she did reality. She was one of the daughters of the king, and there were seasons when she was allowed to speak openly to the Senate, sharing the visions as great wisdom was part of her gifting. She chose to sit for hours at a time, at the pool and enjoy the presence of her creator, whereas most of her siblings and friends, enjoyed creating and playing amongst the stars.

Luna was young, a mere girl of 16 000 years. She had extra sensory perception than most of the people on the planet. Her senses seemed heightened because she had an added ESP of sight and emotions. She had been given the ability to see into the into the hearts and minds of those around her. She couldn't see into the past, but only her timeline and into the future.


Luna felt a tug on her arm. She looked down and smiled, "Candi, what have you there?"

"Oh Luna, I picked this pretty flower and you will never believe what happened?"

"Do tell me?" Candi had such excitement written across her innocent face as she held the multi coloured Tulip up in the air.

"When I picked this flower, it stopped singing for a brief moment and then another flower popped up in its place. Then they both sang the same tune. All the flowers around it sang louder too. It was the strangest thing. Do they always do that?"

"Yes, I suppose they do."

Candi turned and skipped into another direction, to tell her story to another.

Luna looked around. There were children sitting in circles creating different things using mind techniques, making use of different hand movements. They seemed to be engaged in a game, not trying to outdo the next person, but admiring each other's work and then letting their creation flit into the air.


Luna heard an ear piercing scream. She jumped up and flew in the direction from where it came. All of a sudden a foul smell appeared out of nowhere. It wrecked her flight pattern, and she almost collided with a branch of a tree. She steadied herself and hung back in the air for a moment when something below caught her eye. Gia, a youngling, was sitting with her back against a large tree. A gruesome creature was standing in front of her. The child was shaking and had a look on her face that was unrecognisable on her planet. It looked as though the child was in pain. Dear creator, what is happening here. What is this emotion I am feeling?

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