Chapter Three: Reign of Terror

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    #‎JustWriteIt #EarthLove 

Luna had cocooned her body within a large shell which was resting at the bottom of the pool of the great waterfall. She spent many months listening to the wise words of her creator. He was showing her all she was gifted for and created to do, and he was training her for what lay ahead. Her spirit had left her body and was with him on another plane. Although her spirit and body were one, whatever her spirit did, her body felt also.

"Master, how do I defeat the darkness that will engulf my people?"

"With light my child. Light is the foundation of everything. If our people take their focus off of me and revert it to the darkness around them, they will faint and die and the darkens will grow stronger, causing many deaths amongst our people. The creatures will grow with each and every negative emotion that they manage to project onto my people. You must take what I have taught you and teach them. They have many hidden gifts and skills they have never developed. Show them what I have shown you. Go, before the darkness grows too great. Agramon, Zozo and Incubus are already spreading their venom of Fear, lies and filth amongst the people. They need your courage, wisdom and peace now more than ever. This is your time my precious child. Rise up and be the leader I created you to be."

Luna opened her eyes and breathed in the lovely soft water. She knew that the task that was in front of her was a difficult one. She had confidence in her people's creative abilities but didn't know if they were open to the new training her creator had trained her in. Lord, help me to make a difference in my world, she prayed. Let my people listen to what I have to say and embrace the training I have to offer. Help them this day and the days that follow.

Luna teleported out of her shell of safety and appeared in the skies above. As soon as she reappeared, fear, filth and discord filled every pore of her body. She felt dirty, ugly and felt like she wanted to fight anyone who came near her. "Lord, this is terrible! I can feel the awful presence of the . Luna felt an explosion within her. She turned and saw a few planets collapsing simultaneously. The stars weren't singing anymore, but instead, a very low drone of humming was emanating from them. Luna cupped her hands over her ears in pain. How long was she in training for? It must have been centuries because of the amount of destruction and pain that lay before her was simply unbearable. Luna sucked in a deep breath and out from her chest, appeared a small bubble. It grew until it detached and formed around her. This force field was impenetrable, and she was safe from any weapon anyone had ever created, including negative emotions. This was one skill her people needed to learn quickly. She closed her eyes and felt the warm peace of her creator. She felt her pores dispel the ugliness and soon after, her body relaxed.


A few centuries back, just after Luna went into hibernation...

There was a buzz amongst the citizens of Zion. Everyone who was anyone gathered around the gate to the porthole. They were all excited as this had only happened once, a million centuries ago, when most of the elders were mere babes. It was custom then that when the gate was opened, the Sundirras would welcome the newcomers with open arms, offering gifts of love. The animals would blow different scents on them, infusing them in warm bubbles that lasted a few minutes, but a lifetime of happy memory for the aliens, while on that planet. The flowers, trees and all that grew within nature, would sing song upon song of welcome. It was indeed a happy occasion that every Sundirra wanted to be a part of.

The gate opened, and a cheer broke out. Lovely scents and orchestrated sounds broke out in joyous song. The planets sang in unison, but the blue star dipped slightly, creating a dim light. The Sundirras didn't seem to notice, but the Senate did. They looked at each other, thinking the same thing, as the memory of Luna's warning, burned like a hot iron in the pit of their stomachs. For a split second it was as though time stopped and everything went quiet. The senate's eyes shot open as time seemed to stand still for everyone except them. A thick darkness covered all the people. The Senate spoke to each other telepathically, "What have we done? Could it be that Luna was right?" Just then, as quickly as it came, the darkness lifted, but the light from the blue star continued to burn fainter than usual.

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