Chapter Two: Deaf Ears

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    #‎JustWriteIt #EarthLove

A few months passed. She hadn't heard back from Aimery and thought maybe he was still in consultation with the creator.

Luna sat with her eyes open, next to the warm waterfall, listening to the sounds around her. She was staring out into the vast business of space. She could see passed her planet into the darkness of the distant stars. She was watching a star collapsing on itself. Although a deep sadness filled her being at yet another collapsing star, she marvelled at the colours surrounding it before it fell into nothingness. She knew, come summer, one of the leaders would replace that star with another one, greater and grander than the one that was now lost for all eternity.

All of a sudden this new sensation gripped her heart. It was the emotion she had felt a few months before. The feeling overwhelmed her, and she felt as if she was suffocating. She heard her people screaming, and she could see them running around, in a mass chaos. She listened and couldn't hear the sounds of the planets or the plants around her. The smell coming from the animals was that of panic and something else. She shut her eyes and was drawn deep into a vision. She was seeing the feelings of her people. Feelings that was alien to the planet. Luna jumped up, anxious to get out of this new vision. She teleported into the warm pool of the waterfall and sank, down deep into the bubbly abys. The more she sank, the peaceful she became. She opened her eyes and could almost see the face of her creator. He moved his hand towards her and immediately she felt loved. She closed her eyes and breathed in the feeling of tranquillity and then when ready, floated back to the surface and flew off into the direction of her palace.

Luna pondered over what she had seen in the vision. She saw new creatures enter her solar system. They looked harmless, but she could smell new emotions of which they carried. She asked her creator to show her more about them, but he was hesitant. Danger and death are all she sensed. The Sundirras were not equipped to deal with such creatures.

Luna looked into the future and could see much harm come to her people. Not much life flowed on Zion, and more stars were dying. What could this all mean? She flew into the cave behind the waterfall and entered a new dimension. She had instantly travelled 10 000 years into the future. Luna hung, suspended in the air her favourite spot on the planet. It was now a wasteland. These creatures had grown and were chasing down her people. New emotions, threatened to strangle her, and a sickening, nauseating feeling enveloped her. She thought of other parts of the planet and disappeared from her current spot, only to reappear in another. She was listening to the aliens talk.

"Arr, I must say Master Agramon, your power is the greatest out of all ours. You set the scene for the rest of us to operate in."

"Thank you, my fellow Zozo. Your talent to go about spreading falsehood and lies amongst the Sundirras has created a slaughterhouse, and we have been able to feed off the emotions of many. Soon there will be no life left, and we will be able to attack Earth with stronger forces than before. No one is a match for us now."

Luna had heard enough. She teleported back to the porthole and flew through the doorway back to her timeline. She flew straight to the hallway where the senates gathered and was abruptly stopped by the angelic guards.

"Luna, you cannot enter now, the Senate is in Congress."

"I must speak with them. A great danger is upon us. I must warn them!"

"Nay, you cannot enter!"

Luna ignored the guards and vanished before their eyes entering into the great chamber where the members of the Senate were seated. As soon as she appeared, the members stopped talking, and all eyes fell on her.

"Luna! Luna, what have we told you before. You cannot use your powers in these hallways."

She bowed and descended to a level lower than them. She was one of many princesses, and she had the power given to most, but the difference between them and her was, she learned how to use, and she sought to develop them daily. Teleportation was one skill none of the other royalties had managed to develop, and it appeared she was the only one who was able to use this skill successfully.

"My apologies for the intrusion your highness, but a grave matter has come to my attention; that has to be made known this very hour."

"Not now child," one of the elders grunted. "We are busy discussing opening the gates of our porthole to a new species."

"No! You cannot do that!" Luna spun in a circle and flew upwards, creating individual whirlwinds encircling each member. This only brought on irritation giving off a strange smell. Every pore in Luna's body felt the irritation, but she wasn't about to let her people suffer under the ignorance of their leaders.

"I, Princess Luna, royalty by birth and rightful heir of many realms, demand you listen to what I have to say before the porthole is opened!" Every word that Luna uttered, shook each member to their core, and they were forced into silence. The words Luna uttered was that of powerful authority and brought a pungent scent of roses and fresh dew on the ripe grass. Luna seldom spoke, but when she did, people were awed by what she said as she flowed in supernatural wisdom, understanding and grace.

"I have seen this new race and experienced new emotions they give off, and it's that of death and destruction. A terror our race has never before experienced. I have gone into the future and seen our planet's destruction. What you are about to unleash is something terrible that no galaxy has ever experienced. Do not open that porthole!"

The Senate members sat in shock. They looked one to another, but couldn't understand what she was talking about. Never had the words death and destruction been uttered in that galaxy. The end of life was the beginning of new life and a reason to be extra creative for others. Nor had the feelings of fear, and chaos been experienced, so no matter what Luna said, they had nothing to compare these negative feelings too. They talked amongst themselves, and Luna could sense that no matter what she said, they would not listen.

"Behold, I tell you this day, once our gates are opened to these creatures, our world will never be the same. Listen to me this day and adhere to my words."

The Senate spoke amongst themselves some more. Luna wondered what she could do to make them listen. She was only just learning how to project her feelings onto that of another, but these new negative feelings were not something she had harnessed and embraced well enough to project onto a large group of people. She had done it only once when she was talking to Aimery. She felt helpless to make them understand. If they could only feel for a moment, the kind of horror she experienced moments before, they would never consider opening the porthole.

The king, her father, stood up and hit his large sceptre on the ground, letting out a shock wave that shook the pillars of the great halls. "Our decision has been made. The gates will open, and we will welcome the new creatures with open arms."

Luna disappeared and reappeared on the outskirts of the atmosphere of Zion. She looked down upon her planet with great sadness, knowing that all was lost. She needed to go into her safe zone to draw strength from her creator. She needed great wisdom during this time that was leading towards great sorrow.

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