Chapter Six: A Time of Refreshing

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    #‎JustWriteIt  #EarthLove

Luna and Aimery floated to each person and ministered to their people. When their people had regained their strength, Luna spoke, "My dear loved ones. You fought well and courageously this day. The creator says he is proud of you. As he has ministered to you this hour, I encourage you to go now, to the rest of the planet and teach others what you have learned this day. Teach our people and do what has been done here, taking command of your armies, shining your light upon the planet and to the people, defeating the darkness. Aimery as well as the senates, elders, and leaders, have also fought great battles, and we have found that by uniting our powers and becoming one in thought and action, defeating the darkness is easier. Go now and let us defeat the rest of the evil!"

A great roar broke out amongst the people. It could be heard in the distance and well into the atmosphere. A new hope, a new beginning, a new purpose was felt amongst everyone. Luna and Aimery watched as the soldiers each flew into a different direction.

"Thank you Aimery for your help today. Without out you, I would have accomplished only half a task."

Aimery surprised her by giving her the tightest hug, "You welcome my dear. Maybe after this, you and I could go somewhere quiet and talk about our days ahead."

Luna smiled, "I would like that. But our battle is far from over. We have taught many, and they are out there accomplishing much. Let us take these urns back to the great waterfall and fill them up, going from group to group, strengthening, reviving and healing them all so that they can go out and be effective."

Luna and Aimery spent the rest of their time reviving the others. Within no time at all, every single alien who had come through the porthole, had been defeated. The blue star shined brighter than ever. The stars sang new songs and the Sundirras were scattered around refreshing waterfalls at different locations on the planet, drinking in the presence of their creator. After they had been refreshed, they discussed amongst themselves all that had happened and all they had learned. They mourned for those who had lost the battle and celebrated in the new life that had been born.

Luna and her father appointed new leaders to sit in the seats of the fallen senates. New elders and leaders were appointed for different locations of the planet and planes of the upper and lower realm. There was much to discuss. Luna had taken her rightful place, seated on the right hand of her father as counselor and advisor.

Although Luna had a bigger role to play within the great halls, she was wild at heart and ventured into the borders and beyond of the outer galaxies. Aimery accompanied her and they sort to educate every living creature about how to defend themselves should another kind of darkness enter their realms. They found some of the inhabitants of planets to be open to their wisdom and training, but others rejected their help and knowledge.

The creativity amongst the people of had grown exponentially, and many more galaxies and solar systems now existed.

Some of the elders ventured to earth. They brought back reports on how the people were destroying their planet. They wanted to intervene and so they spoke amongst themselves in the great halls about how assistance could be offered.

"Our great father, we have pondered how we can go about this without causing alarm for we have seen that they are a young primitive race and are sceptical about receiving life from another planet. We have thought to take on their form and infiltrate their learning institutes, taking on a role of a teacher, educating them, giving them sane logic on how to save their planet."

"Go then and see if they will listen. Come back and report to me so we can see if this race is worth saving."

Dugan, Malic, Kedar, Modegar and a few others teleported to earth. Half a century passed and no word was heard from them. Luna and her father had begun to wonder if the leader's plan was working.

"Father, I suggest to you this day to permit me to go to earth to seek the group out and ask of their progress."

"Can you not look and see for yourself what is going on? Luna my dear, you are needed here."

"I have been to their future my father, and I do not see a planet."


"Where the planet now stands, is, well, nothing. I have looked to see what happened to the planet, and it appears that in the not too distant future, some earthlings will disappear off from the surface of the earth. The planet will fall into war, where there will be one leader who dominates all countries. The people will starve and die from plagues and infectious diseases. They will worship a hideous god called the beast who will walk on the land devouring all who refuse to worship him. Soon after the appearance of the beast, the entire planet will disappear. I don't think this planet has much hope. I don't know why our leaders are still there."

Luna's father looked at her with shock, "Are you sure you saw right my child. What kind of evil could cause this kind of destruction upon an entire planet? A planet collapsing upon its self and then disappearing is something we have seen many times, but never just disappearing without it collapsing first."

"I have no answers for you my father."

"Right, take Aimery with you and go. Do not tarry. I want you back soon after you have left. Bring back all our leaders. If you say there is no hope for earth, then it is pointless and futile wasting more time there."

Luna and Aimery found her people faster than anticipated. Malic and Dugan were the only ones left that still had purity in them. The others had been badly influenced by the wealth and temptations of the world and had truly become one with the people.

"Malic and Dugan, has your years here been spent well? Have the people listened to your wisdom?"

Malic shook his head, "Nay your highness. They lack the ability to understand that if they don't change their ways immediately and think differently about their planet, and instil certain changes, then their planet will be lost. They don't see the urgency of implementing well set out plans and have many excuses."

"They are ignorant and in constant denial of the bad state their world is in," interjected Dugan.

"Well then, I suggest you both come home with us. You tried and were not successful. We leave at once."

Dugan and Malic hesitated, "Luna wait," they both said at once.

Malic cleared his throat, "In order for us to fit in there, we had to make friends. We both have life partners and offspring. We cannot abandon them. Once they have passed on, we will leave this planet and return."

Luna and Aimery looked between Dugan and Malic, "Father won't be pleased with hearing this news, but I suppose I cannot force you to come back with us. Godspeed and see you soon."

Luna and Aimery disappeared and reappeared in the great halls. Luna reported to her father all that had been said between Dugan and Malic. He was grieved but knew some things took longer than others.

"Thank you, my child. You have done well. A new threat has appeared a hundred galaxies away. Please sit down, we as Senate and leaders need to discuss how to handle this and see if we are willing to intervene."

Luna took her rightful place next to her father and looked into the distance to see what could be seen of this threat. Shortly after that, she slipped into a vision, and the voices in the hallways became dimmer and dimmer. Her spirit was with the creator; he was teaching her and giving her wisdom she was to pass onto her father and the rest of the Senate.


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