Chapter Four: Preparing the Battleground

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    #‎JustWriteIt #EarthLove

In the far distances of the planet of Zion that was untouched, played a group of younglings. News of the new creatures had reached them and they, together with the elders and younglings, increased their time spent with their creator, to gain a better understanding of how they could stay safe. They were in a circle, creating different gems and precious stones to add to the new planets their parents were planning on creating when out of the bushes walked a group of mixed aliens. Immediately the children felt a change in their emotions but didn't adhere to the warnings they had learned.

"Kimblie, I had 20 million stones over there, and now it looks like I only have half! Your pile looks bigger! You stole my stones, give them back!" Kiara lashed out in anger.

Kimblie was shocked, and fear gripped at him. "I did no such thing. I am creating diamonds, and you are busy with rubies, just look. See for yourself!"

Both younglings got up and started fighting, throwing lightning bolts at each other. Luna appeared and encamped them in a force field, shielding them from the aliens.

"Stop!" shouted Luna.

All the children who had started fighting and bickering amongst each other stopped and fell into silence. Luna blew on each child. This action brought on instant healing. "Children, your brothers, and sisters aren't the enemies here. Look out there," they all focused on the darkness that was growing. Some of the aliens had gotten bigger in size. Luna pointed at the aliens who had now grown in number as though they had multiplied drastically, "They are the enemy. What did the creator train you for?"

"A time such as this."

"That is correct."

"Who remembers their training?"

"I do," all said in unison.

"Good, then let's use that training against these creatures. I am here to teach you more in-depth training, but first, let us get rid of these creatures. Who is with me?"

"We are!"

"Good. I want you all to close your eyes, so you don't focus on the darkness coming towards us. Instead, focus on the creator and his goodness. Open your arms wide and let his presence flow out of you. Do that now!"

Everyone did as Luna instructed. The evil creatures became confused and dismayed. They started running towards the bubble and then bounced off of it and lay on the ground shaking from the shock waves that pierced them. Light started coming out of each child. As the light grew, the skin of the aliens started to bubble and burn. They shielded their eyes and fell to their knees. A song burst forth out of the mouths of the babes and children. In harmony, they sang to their creator. The aliens couldn't stand the sound and the fragrance that came with it. It appeared they were in agony. They grew weak and withered in weakness, and soon they exploded into nothingness. The explosion created a shock wave, which took out all the other dark creatures coming in the same direction.

Luna and the others grew in strength from their creator and grew in spiritual power. Luna opened her eyes and saw they were in the clear. She stopped singing, and so did the others. Luna dropped the force field.

"Kiara and Kimblie, what is done, is done. No mention of what happened earlier, understand?"

They both nodded their heads.

"Now, who understands what just happened here?"

Lilou burst forth in excitement, "The dark creatures, hate the light!"

"Good observation. And what else?"

"They also hate the songs we sing to our creator."

"Did any of you notice the light that came out of you when you focused your attention on the creator and sang praises to him?"

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