Chapter Five: Piercing the Darkness

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    #‎JustWriteIt  #EarthLove 

The people could hear the roaring coming from all directions, but despite that, they felt at peace. They could feel the presence of their creator.

"People, my people, I want you to try something as the darkness approaches. Close your eyes and shoot light out from the centre of you. You can also shoot light out of the palm of your hands, by holding them out towards the darkness. The more you focus on our Creator, the stronger your light will shine. If you focus on the darkness, your light will fade, and your shield will drop, and they will defeat you."

All of a sudden, huge giants, far bigger than all of the Sundirras, burst out from the trees with a loud roar. They had managed to project on many others, hours before, soaking up all their energy, killing masses. They had grown in strength and height and were currently lethal weapons. Luna had grown in her ability to communicate telepathically with large groups of people. She expanded her force field to above everyone else, giving extra protection. While her soldiers were putting into practice what they had just learned, she spoke to them telepathically, "You are all doing well my precious people. Keep your focus on our Creator."

Agramon, the fear demons, were the strongest amongst their kind. When they struck first, this opened the door and weakened whomever was nearby. Their defences were immediately lowered, opening the door for the others to project their terrible infectious stench onto their unwilling and unsuspecting victims, inflicting them with venomous thoughts, changing their character and influencing their behaviour. Whomever didn't die right away, moved out and caused chaos amongst their people like a viral disease, weakening all defences of the Sundirra's of whom they came in contact with.

Some of the more susceptible s were the ones who seldom drank from the pool of the sacred waterfall and who seldom sort out the presence of the creator. These s went out and spread lies, slander, and gossip amongst their people.

Some who were infected by Incubus, the dirty spirits, forced themselves sexually upon their fellow Sundirras, causing searing pain and anguish amongst their people.

The Sundirras being of pure spirits, and not easily influenced, found the infliction too horrible and died instantly, but the stronger ones, who sort the creator's presence more often, managed to heal faster. They soaked themselves in the pool and were healed and too received training from the creator, enabling them to teach others around them, how to defeat the darkness.

Hordes of these foul-smelling demons were in the foreground. They were craving for more power and eagerly sort out energy and blood. The force field was invisible to the creatures, so what they saw before them, was silly, naïve pure spirits, waiting to be slaughtered, standing around humming to something invisible. The fragrance that filled the air from their singing repulsed them, making them even angrier. The Agramonites lunged themselves at the first layer of Sundirras in the outer circle, ignoring the light piercing their souls. They could taste the younglings blood, when all of a sudden a massive shock wave hit them with a force they had never felt before. They flew back knocking over the Incubus spirits. The Agramonites lay on the ground in agonizing pain. Their skin was burning and blisters popped up all over their bodies. They tasted blood all right, their own.

The leaders of the Incubus army looked at their fellow fear demons and mocked them, "You think yourselves to be so strong and boast of all your victories, yet you lie here looking pathetic! Where is your sting now?" They laughed amongst each other and lunged forwards. "Attack!" their leaders bellowed. They hadn't even gotten as far as touching the force field when a heavy light, brighter than before, shot out from each and every Sundirra, instantly burning up every fear and lying demon. They screamed for a short while and then there was silence.

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