Chapter 1

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Cosette had situated herself upon the barstool that had become like a second home to her, and ordered herself a bottle of wine. She let her lips meet with the glass of the bottle and felt the wine rush down her throat. Once that bottle had ceased to provide her with the drink her body had craved, she banged the bottle down onto the bar along with her head, and raises her hand to order another bottle.

She took a long swig from the second bottle, and then put her head back down on the table. Cosette sighed, and thought to herself, "Bottle 134." She had counted every bottle she had finished for the past month and a half, and it sometimes surprised her how much she had had in such a short amount of time. However, this wasn't going to stop her. She had grown too accustomed to this new routine of hers to turn back from it now. Besides, who would care if she drank her life away?

After she finished her drink, she raised her head the tiniest bit to order another bottle. It was obvious to the bartender that the young girl was already hammered, so he tried his best to make her reconsidered. He grabbed the bottle, and looked at her, "Mademoiselle, don't you think that you have had enough to drink tonight?"

Cosette took hold of the bartender's wrist, and slurred, "Listen, I've got the money to pay for it, and as long as I have the money to pay for it you keep on bringing me the goods." The bartender simply sighed, and placed the bottle on the table.

It was at this time a man arrived at the bar, and placed himself at the stool next to Cosette. He was a handsome young man, and according to his attire seemed to hang around with the students. He ordered himself a beer, and took in the scenery around him, including the girl sitting beside him.

The man was taken aback by the girl's beauty, but he could also ascertain that she was obviously extremely drunk. He did not know whether or not to speak to her, or even what to say if he did speak to her.

Cosette picked her head up slightly, and acknowledged the man sitting next to her before taking another long swig from her wine and returning to her former position.

The man took this time to speak. He cleared his throat, "Is everything alright mademoiselle?"

Cosette looked back up at the man, and slurred sarcastically,  "Oh, I'm just peachy."

The man looked at her, and snatched the bottle from her hands. "I think you have had enough to drink."

She gave him a look of annoyance, "Hey! Give that back!"

The man shook his head, and raised the bottle above his head. Cosette tried her best to retrieve the bottle. Unfortunately, her best was compromised by her intoxication, and she ended up falling to the ground chuckling upon the impact.

The man chuckled a bit himself, and picked her up off the ground. "Here, let me help you back to your place. Where do you live?"

Cosette sighed, "Rue Pluemet, but I would really like to stay away from there as long as I possibly can."

Looking at her concerned, the man asked, "Why?"

"Too many memories..." Cosette wanted to smack herself after saying that. Did she really have to tell a stranger about her personal problems? At least she didn't tell him everything. That would have been a huge mistake.

The man could tell by her face that she did not wish to dig more into it, so he decided not question it. "Fair enough, but you can't stay here any longer. You can stay at my place for the time being."

Cosette stopped both of them dead in their tracks, and managed to slur out, "Listen here buddy, I may be drunk, but I am not an idiot. I don't go home with guys whose names I don't even know."

The man laughed a bit, and then offered her a handshake, "True. My name is Marius Pontmercy, and you are?"

Cosette smiled lightly, and shook his hand politely, "My name is Cosette. It is nice to meet you Marius."

Marius gave her a smile back, "It is great to meet you as well Cosette, so will you join me?"

She shrugged, and thought to herself, "Hey, what do I have to lose?" Cosette then nodded, "Sure." With that, she followed Marius out of the cafe, and out into the cool night air.


I hope you all enjoy the first chapter! I would love to hear from you!

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