Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The two had quite the challenge getting out of the ABC. If it wasn't the students all giving Marius a thumbs up for "getting it in", with the exception of Enjorlas who simply gave him a dirty look for leaving the meeting before they even started, it was Cosette's fumbling and clumsiness. The thing about Cosette and her drunken state was that it had changed her personality in a way. Before she had started drinking, Cosette had been a proper and respectful young woman. Once alcohol came into play though, she became fumbling and sardonic, and it even seemed to stay on the rare occasions she was sober as well.

The pair had finally made it out by the skids of their teeth, and were now making their way through the crisp midnight air. It was rather silent between the two of them for a while. Cosette drummed her fingers against her side before breaking the silence by stumbling a bit.

Marius looked at her the tiniest bit amused, but he was also concerned about her. Not that her state was the most horrible kind to be in, but he figured it must be difficult for her to live this way. He wanted to help her, even if he had only met her and they had barely exchanged words to one another. He asked her in a polite manner, "Are you alright?"

Cosette giggled, "I'm fine. Sorry, I'm kind of clumsy when I'm drunk."

Marius nodded, "I can see that."

Still giggling, Cosette replied, "Yeah, this kind of happens a lot."

Marius's concern grew more at the mention of this, "Why?"

"Because I drink a lot," Cosette's laughter faded down a bit as she answered his question, "you know how drinking kind of leads to getting drunk."

"No, I meant why do you drink so much?"

Cosette's laughter finally ceased as she sighed, "Oh now that is indeed a tale. However, I don't think I am quite ready to share that with you yet."

Though he obviously wanted to know more, Marius did not push the subject any further. He did not want to force her to tell him anything that she was not ready to share, and he understood why she would not want to speak about it. Once again, they had only met each other a short while ago. The silence resumed over Marius and Cosette once more.

Cosette broke the silence once more with a slight chuckle, "Tell me a bit about yourself. I would kind of like to know more about the guy I am currently following back to his place."

Marius gave her a small smile, "Well, what would you like to know?"

Cosette tapped her chin in thought, and then laughed, "Anything really. Give me the autobiography of Marius Pontmercy!" While saying his name, Cosette spread her arms out widely in an exaggerated matter.

Marius chuckled, "That might take a while. I have to think about it."

Even though it had only been a couple of seconds of pondering, Cosette grew impatient, "Here, let's start with an easy question. How old are you?"

Marius smiled a bit at her impatience, "I am 17 years old."

"Small world," Cosette laughed, "So am I. Next question, what do you like to do when you aren't giving drunken girls a place to stay?"

Marius answered, "Well, I usually hang around with my friends at the ABC. We are kind of planning a revolution there."

Cosette bobbed her head a bit, "Ah, so you're one of those revolutionaries?" Once Marius had nodded his head, her eyes widened. She smiled like crazy, "That is so cool! I can sometimes hear you guys talking from the bar. It is truly inspiring!"

Marius gave her an even bigger smile, "Why thank you! I don't like the way France is run, like a lot of people don't. So when I met others who were willing to fight for the cause, it helped give me the courage to want to fight as well." It was really nice to hear that there were some people out there who were contented with what they were doing.

Cosette looked at Marius, "You guys are doing a great thing you know? There are a lot of men around here who are not happy with the way things are run in France, and you are very brave to be doing what you guys are doing."

Marius gave her a grateful smile, and the silence came back up. However, this silence felt less awkward than the ones that they had before. It may have been because they had gotten to know each other a little bit more, or it may have been because they were both deep in thought about one another.

Cosette broke the silence once again, "So, a guy like you is bound to have some sober girl that he is going with, right?" Cosette thought to herself, "Of course he does Cosette, just look at him."

Marius's cheeks turned the the tiniest shade of scarlet. He answered, "Actually I don't."

Cosette was honestly shocked, and shoved his shoulder playfully, "A stud like you? I'm surprised you don't have the ladies banging down your door."

He shrugged a bit, "I just haven't really found anyone I've really loved."

Cosette replied, "Well, I am in the same boat as you are. However I'm really no surprise in that area."

It was now Marius's turn to be surprised, "Why?"

Cosette looked down, "Guys don't really want to be with a drunk like me."

Marius shook his head, "You are much more than just a drunk."

Cosette's face turned a bright shade of crimson, "You're just saying that."

Marius shook his head again, "No, I mean it."

The silence once again resumed for the two of them to analyze everything they had just said to each other. While thinking about this, Cosette did not bother to look where she was going. This caused her to end up tripping on a bump in the street, and begin to tumble sideways. Instead of falling over this time however, Marius took hold of her waist, while she grabbed hold of his shirt to balance herself. The two of them laughed a bit, and for the first time looked at each other in the eyes.

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