Chapter 5

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Marius and Cosette remained that way for quite a while, neither of them wanting to let go. However, Marius figured that he would have to pull away before things got too awkward. Reluctantly, Marius let go of Cosette, and blushed a minuscule amount. Marius mumbled, "So, it's getting a bit late."

Cosette was in a daze, "Uhm... Yeah... I guess you're right..." She had really wished that their little moment had lasted even longer than it did. She had begun to feel a sense of comfort in his arms, and it almost instantly vanished the moment he pulled away. Her mind was now whirling around at a mile a minute with an array of emotions clouding her mind. Cosette shook these feelings off as she and Marius stood up. Even if she did have some feelings for Marius, it wouldn't matter. A man as wonderful as him deserved much more than the pathetic girl she was.

Marius led her upstairs towards the guest room. It was a normal size room, with the necessities to get by. Cosette walked into the room, and took it all in. It was definitely cleaner than her room at home, which had quickly started to look like coup d'état had happened within it.

Cosette turned towards Marius, and gave him another light hug. She whispered gently, "Thank you so much Marius. This really means the world to me."

Marius hugged her back gently, as if she were a porcelain doll. He replied, "It's the least I can do. If you need me, I'm in the room right across from here. I can be in here faster than the wind."

Cosette chuckled, "I am not sure if that is humanly possible, but I greatly appreciate it."

Marius smiled, and let go of her. "Good night Cosette. I will see you in the morning."

Cosette wished Marius a good night as well before preparing herself for bed. Once wrapped up in the covers, Cosette gave herself the time to review everything that had happened in the past couple of hours.

Her brain meandered through the streets of her memories that were usually kept dark and dreary. However, something was different this time around. There was a sense of illumination that lit the path her mind was following. The light kept on growing stronger and stronger until it had become blinding. The light seemed to be in the shape of a face. The face of a young handsome man, recently introduced to her soul as Marius.

Cosette sat up a bit short of breath at the recent discovery that had been introduced to her mind. She managed to regain her normal breathing pattern, and fell back into the bed's comforting embrace. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to relive the images that had floated through her brain. Sadly though, they had seemed to disappear in an instant. Disappointed in the fact that the images did not look as though they would return, Cosette turned on her side, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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