A Note from NoVictorHugo

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Bonjour mon amis! (Shall we start singing Red and Black now while we tell Grantaire to put the bottle down?!)

Anyway, hello everyone! I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my fanfiction! I never thought that when I posted this that it get more than 100 reads, and maybe even less than that. So to see now (at 2 in the morning on Tuesday November 19th of 2013) that it has 562 reads (and still counting) is astounding!

So I would like to ask you guys some questions pertaining to this fanfic:

1. Obvious question: Do you like it?

2. What has been your favorite part?

3. I might go back and do some editing once I finish this, so what has been your least favorite part? What can I do to fix it?

4. New cover: Yayy or Nay?

5. How can I make my story better for future chapters?

Thanks again everyone, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Vive La France!!

Sara (NoVictorHugo)

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