Ch 5 Travis & Conner stole...

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This chapter is dedicated to rachellynngee & Silver_Moonrose because they gave me this awesome idea.

Travis P.O.V

So I need an award for being awesome. I happened to over hear the guy with the blue dragon talking to that over sized blue teddy bear with fangs (someone is obsessed with blue), about some unusually large golden egg that they had to keep an eye on. I don't know about you, but when I hear 'large' and 'golden' in the same sentence that means it needs a little relocation to the SECRET DEN! (AKA under Conner's and my bed). It took some time, but with enough patience, thievery, and a LITTLE bit of snooping, the time to liberate Treasure (the golden thingy) had come.

'Are you SURE this is a good idea?' Conner whispered to me because we were right near the boat that held Treasure.

'Of COURSE, when have I ever been wrong?' I said confident this would work.

'Well.....There was that one time you thought we could steal Mr. D's SUV...' Conner pointed out.

'That was your idea you moron.' I said.

'No it wasn't you nincompoop.' Conner said talking just a little to loudly.

'Oh just shut up you butt head.' I whisper/yelled at Conner.

'HEY, who you callin' a butt head. YOUR a.....' I cut Conner's yelling off by putting my hand over his mouth.

'SHUT UP, or we'll get caught.' I hissed in Conner's ear. He shoved me off but didn't argue. 'Ok, here we go' I said silently running into the shadow of the ship with Conner right behind me.

'How do you intend to get inside. The whole deck is lit up.' Conner said oh so very helpfully.

I smugly held up two of the camo cloaks from the camp store which the elves had made and oh so helpfully stored in camp store (which I have perfect access to). I guess I should explain how the cloaks are so important. Well you see they are made of a special material that blends in to whatever is around it, THAT my friend is why they are so awesome.

'Dude, WHERE did you get these?' Conner asked grabbing one.

'Camp store' I said pulling on mine.

'Ha, I LOVE it when they store cool stuff in the store.' Conner said invisibly.

'Come on' I said. Impatient to get my hands on Treasure, I started to climb up the rope ladder that was so helpfully draped over the side of the ship. Oh and when I say ship I mean like a big, wooden sailing ship not like a luxury cruse ship or anything. Once we were at the deck I lead the way to the hatch that led down into the ship. The inside of the ship was NOTHING like what I thought it would be like. I've seen a lot of pirate movies so I figured the inside of every ship was a wet, dirty, stinkey, mazey mess. Not this one. This one was so spotless I could see my reflection in the floor.

'Man, we need to get the Elves to clean our cabin.' Conner said.

'Shhhhh.' I said not wanting to get caught. I'd herd the Elves had like radar ears and could hear a leaf fall like a mile away. After checking a couple billion rooms for Treasure we finally found a room full of eggs. Big ones smaller ones ones the size of a watermelon and others only a foot across, but what interested me most was what they were made of. They all looked like they had been made of the finest rarest gems.

'Oh my gods, were RICH!' Conner said.

'Be QUIET,' I hissed 'Or we'll get caught' 

Then I saw it the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, a pure gold egg. I was just about to walk into the room and grab Treasure when Conner stopped me. 'I need to check for traps' He said pulling out what looked like a mirrored compact. You know the kind the Aphrodite girls where always wiping out to fix the smallest mark in their face cake (A/N make up)......OK never mind. But Conner pulled one out and I just HAD to ask, 'Man, what the HECK are you doing? Fixing your mascara?'

'Checking for traps numb-skull' Conner said starting to blow the powder across the room.

'Dude, you steal like a girl.' I said cracking up.

'You can't rush perfection.' Conner said to distracted with his powdering to care that I had just insulted his manliness.

'There aren't any traps' I said, walking forward and touching the gold.

'How are we going to get this out of here?' Conner asked, as always stating the obvious.

'With another liberation from the camp store' I said holding up two strange green-blue orbs.

'And those do what exactly......?' Conner asked looking doubtful.

I sighed 'THESE will transport us and the egg to where ever we think of'

'Oh......' Conner said looking sheepish.

'Just take the marble, step on it, and think of the nook.' I ordered. Then in almost perfect unison, we stepped on the marbles. We materialized in the nook, a small stand of bracken that Conner and I had turned into a hideout that wasn't to far from the cabin. We dropped our cloaks and carried the egg between us toward the cabin. Once we got there we slipped through the window so kindly right above my bed. We silently wrapped Treasure in an old moth eaten blanket and pushed it under the bed. Then we both climbed into bed. I don't know about Conner but I couldn't sleep that night.

A/N There you go all you awesome readers, an update. I deserve like chocolate or something cause I wrote this in like one night................ ANYWAY I hope you guys like the chapter and feel free to punch the vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS!! AND LEAVE A COMMENT!!


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