Ch 7 Dragons and Other... Problems

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Connor P.O.V

"HEELLLLPPPPP! OH MY GODS TRAVIS HEELLLLPPPPP!" You may think I was just being a baby screaming my head off but if you were being chased by two little gold and black demons I'm SURE you would be screaming too. What are these demons you ask? Well I went to check up on "Treasure" in the woods after I got more candy for Travis and I (stuff like sweetish fish and skittles {I love skittles}) but when I got there the gold egg was broken all over the ground like it had exploded. I went to touch a broken shard but I stepped on a stick. Then two little dragons, one with gold scales and one with black scales, landed in front of me. They were SOOOOO CUTE!! Until they decided I looked like yeah I got chased through the woods by two vicious Connor-Hungry little deamons. Two words.

Not Fun

For some reason I thought running to find Travis would help.................(not really that good of an idea), but as soon as I reached the edge of the woods I knew something was wrong. There was a LOT of smoke....and it was coming from....THE SHIP!

It looked like the ship had just randomly burst into flames....

Wait what were the little dots hovering around the ship?

"Oh my gods NO," I mumbeled. Then I herd the demons coming behind me, "GO AWAY!" I yelled at them but they just kept coming. I spat out the worst curse I knew and kept running.

"TRAVIS WHERE IN HADES STINKY GYM SHORTS ARE YOU!!" I yelled again. Noting how close the demons were behind me.

Good news: I found Travis.

Bad news: I ran right into him.

"What in Persephone's flowery garden, Connor, watch where you're going," Travis growled at me.


"What?" Travis said while obviously doubting my sanity.

" There...are...little...dragon...," I said ensuring I pronounced every word right. Travis just gave me his delux what-heck-is-wrong-with-you-Connor look. Just then the demons struck.....except they didn't exactly attack. They landed on both Travis and my chests and did like a baby roar. It was intimidating solely because their shiney little teeth were SO close to my eyes. Then I guess they wanted to use Travis and I as pincushions or just be more annoying, but they dug their little sharp claws into our chests. I expected it to hurt but I wasn't expecting the cold electric rush that suddenly charged my body. I couldn't help but scream. Then the world went black.


Third Person P.O.V


A word you would think could cover just about every crazy situation. Right?


Camp Half-Blood at that moment was the best example of insanity and craziness that goes BEYOND chaos. Newly born dragons where running EVERYWHERE! Climbing statues, chasing campers, and in general being VERY loud. The campers, not expecting an attack from the cute-little-baby-dragons-that-make-you-want-to-hug-them, ran in terror and upset the hatchlings with all their screaming. The best description of the situation...

Not supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

You may be wondering what REALLY happened, so here it is:

That morning the gold egg hatched. And from that gold egg came two dragons one had golden scales and the other had shiny black ones. They both found themselves alone in a strange world and instantly their survival instincts kicked in and they climbed a tree to be safe. After waiting a while, they saw and heard Connor come near the tree, defence mode kicked in. They landed in front of him to scare him off but had so much fun that they chased him until he ran into Travis.

Meanwhile, as soon as the gold egg hatched, it sent a disturbance to the other eggs and almost all of the eggs that weren't to become bonded to riders, hatched. Resulting in a great number of wild dragon hatchlings. These wild hatchlings were all going crazy trying to find the twin dragons, but they were distracted by the screaming demigods because they found it fun to chase them. Finally Eragon was able to get the campers attention and had them help catch the hatchlings to feed them. After all the hatchlings were caught and fed, they all fell asleep. Then in relief all the campers that weren't already unconscious with fear, fainted from exhaustion.

TA DA!!!! No more chaos!

AN: Everyone can thank #mikapip04 for this chapter because their comment drove me to write this chapter for you! Hope you guys enjoy!


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