My Family Life

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Anyway as I was saying, when I got home after running away, my mom had instantly held me tight and was worried sick. My father on the other hand had snuck into my room in the middle of the night thinking I was asleep. When he snuck in he punched my stomach until I was puking. He also told me that if I started screaming or I ever told anyone that he would make my life a nightmare... like it wasn't already. The next day my mother saw the bruises on my stomach and asked me what happened. Unfortunately my father was in the room so I told her that I was being bullied at school by a kid named Jeremy. She bought it and that night when my father came back into my room all he did was give a black eye. If my life wasn't a nightmare already then I'd hate to see what it would be like if it was. The next morning mom saw the black eye and knew that I had lied because I had come home the previous afternoon with no black eye. So she sat me down and I told her that whoever was doing this told me that if I had screamed or told anyone, they would make my life a nightmare. She told me I wasn't leaving until she told me what was going on. I had asked her if dad was home and when she said no I told her that dad was sneaking into my room in the middle of the night and was abusing me. Mom thought I was being paranoid and so I showed her that video footage of my room the past two nights and when she saw what my dad was doing she told me to start packing my bags and that we were leaving dad so that he couldn't do anything else to me or my mom. It took 2 hours for us to pack our bags. When we were about to walk out the door my dad walked through the door. When he asked what was going on mom told him that she knew what was going on at night. That's when she took me behind her back and held me tight. When dad charged at us, she brought me back to the couch and she fell onto the couch and I fell in her lap. She called 911 when dad was trying to pry me from her hands. Thankfully cops were on a stake out 2 minutes from my house and when my dad had me in his hands, they walked through the doors with guns pointed at him. The cops told him to put me down or else. He did what he was told and they put handcuffs on his wrists. That day he vowed that one day he would get me back. When he was in the cop car, my mom and I loaded up our car and drove away forever.

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