The Break Up

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Diamond's P.O.V

So last night was the game and my boyfriend Daniel won us the game!!! It was awesome! We got back together and hopefully he won't screw it up again! Mainly because I want to prove Brady wrong, Daniel might get some mood swings but he's a good guy. Anyway, I better get out of bed and get dressed. I only have, 30 MINUTES TO GET READY?! This is really bad! I don't have enough time!

30 minutes later

Okay, so maybe I was over reacting earlier, but at least I'm ready for the day. Here's Daniel, I asked him to come pick me up today. Honk, Honk. He's trying to get my attention, isn't he sweet. "Hey," he said. "Hey," I replied. "Are you ready for the day Danny?"
"You bet!"
He kissed me on the cheek before he pulled out of my driveway. The rest of the car ride was talk about last night. It was awesome! I seemed like forever before we got to the school but when we did Daniel told me he had to meet up with some friends, so he got out of the car and left. I had to get my stuff out of ten back and when I did and was heading inside, I ran into Brady. "What are you doing with him?" Brady asked me. He seemed jealous, concerned, and a little mad. "We got back together. Look I know it's not the best thing in the world to you but I really like him and I think he really likes me!" I told Brady. Brady knows when I'm happy that's the end of it but I could tell he had something to say so I didn't stop him. "Oh yeah, is that why he's hitting on another girl?" Brady said. I didn't know what he was talking about so I turned around, and sure enough, Daniel was hitting on someone else. I was furious! While I was watching them it got more intense and they started making out. That's when I finally stood up for myself. I walked over to them and said this,"Hey, remember me? Well we're THROUGH!" I yelled that in his face  and slapped him so hard that it left a mark. I ran inside, and, for the second day in a row, started crying in the girls bathroom. Brady ran in here to comfort me and I didn't stop him. He was so sweet and my best friend. Then he just stormed out and I followed because I didn't know what he was going to do, but I didn't look good.

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