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Brady's P.O.V

So, yesterday I saw Diamond and she seemed depressed. I hoped she was ok.
I actually still hope that she is ok because, well, I found her car near the pier. I started to fear the worst. What if Diamond wanted to kill herself? Then I thought, Diamond is the strongest person I know and the most positive, she wouldn't do that. Just to make sure, I went to the end of the pier to make sure Diamond wasn't over there. What I saw was terrifying! I saw someone sinking to the bottom of the sea! I didn't know if it was Diamond or not, but I had to help. I dove into the ocean and untied the weight that the person tied to them. The person was Diamond. Once she was untied, I grabbed her and swam her to the surface. The hit of the water must have made her unconscious. I dragged her to shore and called 911. I didn't know what to say so I said that my friend tried to kill herself and asked for medical assistance. After I called them, I called her mom telling her what happened and she said she would meet me in the hospital. I carried Diamond to her car and I started driving. I walked to the beach and she left her car running so I decided to drive the car. We met the ambulance halfway and they said that she would be ok. The ambulance started driving and as I was following it, I saw someone who could give Diamond what she wanted. Someone who could need her life and put her out of her misery. I saw her father following the car.

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