Not Worth It

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Diamond's P.O.V

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of birds singing a song of hope with the sun kissing my cheek. Kiss. Every time I heard that word, all I did was think of Daniel and every time I thought of Daniel I thought of last night. I don't know why Brady was against me and Daniel. Oh yeah, Brady likes me. The thought of that made me smile and that's when I decided to finally get out of bed. I couldn't wait to get to school today and see Daniel. That's when Brady called me. "Morning," he said. "Morning," I replied. "How did last night go? Did he dump you, did he have any mysterious phone calls, did he make out with you?" Brady was bombarding me with all of these questions so I said that I would fill him in on what happened when I saw him at school. For some reason I felt like there was something going on at school today, and Brady was acting like a girl trying to gossip with me. Wait, I OVER SLEPT! AND THERE IS A FOOTBALL GAME AGAINT OUR RIVALS THE RAVENS! I rushingly got dressed, did my hair and did the base layer of my makeup when I saw Daniel pull into my driveway. I guess he's picking me up. I got everything I needed for the day and then hopped into the car with Daniel. We drove to school and would not stop talking about pointless stuff like college and what movie we want to see that's coming out soon in theaters. When we got to school he kissed me and we hopped out of the car. I saw Brady waiting for me at the door, but I had to tell him I had to go with Daniel. All of a sudden Daniel said,"Shoot, I left my doctor's note in the car. Be right back babe." I love it when he calls me babe. It feels right! Then he came storming into the school furious looking. "Where is it?" he asked me. I didn't know what he was talking about. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me, ok. If you took my doctors note as a prank I get it but just tell me and I won't be mad." He was treating me like I knew what happened. "Daniel I don't know what happened, but I didn't take your doctors note. I know that there will be college scouts at the game today and I think you deserve to play today." I was trying to be as reasonable as possible but he only got angrier. At this point, I was getting scared because that is the same look my dad used to give me. "God damnet, WHERE IS THE NOTE?" Daniel was screaming in my face and even pushed me against the wall. "I DONT KNOW!" I screamed at him in tears and that is when he saw my shoulder swelling. He looked at me, slapped me, and walked away. Everyone was staring and that's when I started running away in tears. I was embarrassed and hurt and I didn't want to exist anymore. I ran ink the girls bathroom and Brady followed me, like usual. "How could I have been so stupid? I should have listened to you Brady!" I said in tears. He shushed me and leaned me against his chest. He is my best friend and I left him for a guy that treated me like trash. He wasn't worth it. The rest of the day went by quickly. I was so hurt by earlier that I can't recall anything I learned today so I might have some trouble on the homework. Finally we're at the game! It's a home game and I could not be more excited! This game will determine whether or not we are football conference CHAMPIONS! "Hey," one of my cheer sisters said. Oh, did I forget to mention that I'm a cheer leader and Brady and Daniel are football players? Oh well, now you know. It's middle school all over again. Anyway, it's the first quarter and my stunt group is about to do a back handspring into a show-and-go, a full up extension, and a 720 to a barrel roll.

1 hour later

It the final quarter and we are tied. There's 10 seconds left on the clock and we are kicking. If your team makes the kick then we win. It's one of those make it or break it moments. Here's the kick... WE MADE IT!!! WE WON! This moment would be so much nicer if Daniel wasn't the one who made the kick. As soon as I saw I just walked away. I have a drivers license so I got my bag and almost went to my car is Daniel didn't stop me. "Hey, sorry about this morning. I was just stressed out and didn't know that the note was in my bag." Daniel apologizing meant a lot to me so I decided to give him another shot. I didn't know it at the time, but that was one of the worst mistakes of my life.

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