Fights, Regret, End

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Diamond's P.O.V

When Brady walked out of the bathroom I followed him, and what happened next was truly, awful! "What were you going to do with Diamond? Why were you making out with that other girl when you begged Diamond to get back together?" Brady said. He kept asking Daniel all of these questions and even shoved Daniel once. I knew this was going too far but what could I do to stop it? If I got involved, I wouldn't just be emotionally hurt, I'd be physically hurt. "Look Brody,"
"It's Brady!"
"Whatever, look, all I wanted was to hook up with her. She looked like a good hook up person, so I wanted to give her a try and see how it went, and if I somehow actually liked her, then I'd keep her." Daniel said.
"What if you didn't like her?" Brady asked.
"Then I'd dump her."
That set me off! I almost tackled Daniel but I stopped myself from doing that. That's when it happened, Brady tackled Daniel. Daniel's friends tried to pry Brady away but it didn't work. So I got involved. I ran to Brady and when I pulled him away from the fight, Daniel turned him around and punched him in the eye. Because of that, I punched Daniel in the nose. The principal came out to see that I was helping Brady and Daniel's friends were helping him, so the principal gave us all ISS for 3 days. The rest of the week, I was mocked and bullied by everyone. After what Daniel had said what he was gonna do to me, I looked weak and easily manipulated and I was mocked for it. Everything that I just described, happened on Friday and today is Saturday. Yeah, after everything that happened, I decided to try to kill myself, so, I tied enough weight to myself that I could barely carry it and jumped. I can't swim, I'm cold, I can't breathe, and I can't see. It's night time, No one is up so no one can stop me. SHOOT! I forgot I parked my car at the outside of the pier. Splash! There's someone down here and they have a flash light. I hope they don't find me, I don't want to live, dying will be more peaceful. Ouch! The light is in my eyes! The person is swimming towards me! No, NO! Don't come to me! Don't untie me! And the person is untying me. I'm... towards..... cold.......Brady.............Bye.

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