Ch.1: The Explosion

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*Mcgee's POV*

"Mcgee, get out now!" I heard the Director yell. I looked up from my computer to see the Director walking out.

"Just one second, Director!" I yelled back, I had to finish this. I typed as fast as I could, I had to save all the files we had, especially the ones on Dearing. I would not let these be destroyed.

A few minutes later I had everything dowloaded onto my hard drive. I grabbed it and headed out.

A few steps and I saw a bright light and a loud explosion. I got knocked back. I landed on the ground. Hard.

There was ringing in my ears. Smoke everywhere. Clouding my eyes and filling my lungs till I could hardly breathe. I felt a searing pain in my head and my stomach. I looked down and my short was soaked in bright red blood. I tried to sit up to get help, but the combination of my head and the searing pain in my stomach made my vision go blurry and my body fall back to the floor. I tried to fight off the darkness calling for me to come to it. I wouldn't die. I couldn't. But eventually it was unbearable and I walked toward the darkness.

*Gibb's POV*

I walked around outside, looking for Abby. I found her sitting down while a doctor patched up the scratch on the side of her neck.

She was fine, except for that scratch. I was happy she was okay.

She had a sad expression. I felt bad. This shouldnt have happened. I sighed in relief. She waved and I couldnt help but smile. She was okay, thats all that matters. I just needed to find the rest of my team and make sure there okay too.


"The President was just briefed on the situation. I'll need details on the plan of action." The Secretary said.

"Pardon me, Director," a fireman said.

"Excuse me." He said and left to talk with the fireman.

"The plan is to find the rest of my team." I said.

"Of course," he said, "FBI and other agencies are coming and making a joint effort. We wont stop till we find Dearing. No one does this to the United States Navy."

"So the buildings sound. Theres a couple of areas off limits, but most of the offices are acessible." The Director said.

"Good. Find your people, make sure there safe and then I want this son of a bitch." Mr. Secretary said and I left to find my family.

"You and me both," I said as I left.

I walked in and saw Mcgee lying on the ground. I ran up to him and kneeled next to him. He was unconscious.

"Mcgee!" I yelled, tapping his face. I checked his pulse. I sighed in relief. It was there, but faint.

"Boss..." He said weakly, waking up. He put his arm on his stomach. I looked down and there was a lot of blood.

"Shh," I said, "Don't speak."

"Boss, let me say this, in case I don't make it." He said weakly. I didn't like that thought. He wouldn't die. He can't die. He's like a son to me. "Thank you...for everything..."

"Mcgee...Please, hang in there..." I said, but as I said it, his eyes started to close, he tried to keep them open, but he didn't have the strength. His eyes eventually slipped closed. I ran out of the building and ran to the first ER doctor I could find. "Come. Now. I have a Agent that needs immediate medical attention."

"Give me a minute. I'm dealing with someone." He said, I looked over at the girl he was belong and she had a slight cut on her arm.

"Now. Or you'll be the one on the gurney." I said, I wasn't playing around. He would help Mcgee or pay.

"Fine. Hey! Alex! Help this lady! I have something else to attend to."

"Thank you," I said and I led him to Mcgee and then left to find Tony and Ziva. I hated to leave him, but I needed to know if Tony and Ziva were okay.


"Gibb's, why did you call us in here? Where's Mcgee?" Abby asked, I had called them to the squad room, now that Tony and Ziva were out.

"Yeah, shouldn't be be here?" Ziva asked.

"I thought this was the best place to tell you guys. Abby, Tony, Ziva, I have news." I said, I paused, scared to say the next few words. "Mcgee...he was caught in the blast. Was saving our files on cases and especially, everything we have on Dearing when the bomb went off."

"Gibbs...Mcgee's okay isn't he?" Abby asked. "Gibb's?"

"He's in the hospital. They don't know if he'll make it." I said and Abby started to cry. I pulled her into hug. I looked over at Tony and Ziva and they are crying too. I jestured for them to come here. They walked over and we all hugged.

"Can we go see him?" Ziva asked once we broke from the hug.


Thank you for reading. The beginning of this chapter belongs to NCIS. Hope you enjoyed. Please tell me what you think.

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