Ch. 2: Hosptial

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*Gibbs/Abby's POV*

"We're here to see Timothy Mcgee." Gibb's said to the hospital clerk.

"Sorry, immediate family only." He said, not liking up from the computer.

"NCIS," Gibbs said, pulling his badge out with Tony and Ziva. No. I didn't have a badge. What if they didn't let me back to see him? The clerk looked at their badges. "Special Agent Gibb's, Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, and Agent Ziva David."

"And her?"

"NCIS Forensic Scientists."

"Go, but he's in a coma right now." He said, typing on the keyboard. "You can join his grandmother and mother. "

"Where's his father?" I asked, I knew Mcgee might not be the happiness to have him here, but he should be here.

"Hadn't showed up. We've let him know, though." The clerk said, "Room 245 is where he's staying."

I walked down the hallway next to Gibbs, anxious. I looked at either the floor or Gibbs. I wouldn't be able to handle it if he died. It was then that I realized Gibb's had stopped. I slowly lifted my head, scared that we were there already. I lifted my head and saw the title on the door.

Room 245
Timothy Mcgee
Male, age 35 (A/N: Asuming he's 35 by now)
In a comatose state due to:
Stab wound to the stomach and a mild concussion.

I gasped as I looked inside the room. I saw Mcgee laying on the bed, his grandma and mom sitting next to him, crying.

After a second Gibbs opened the door and jestured for me to go in. I watched Tony and Ziva go in. I stopped before I went in, not wanting it to be real. I closed my eyes and prayed for me to wake up from this horrible nightmare. It wasn't working.

"Abby? What are you doing." Gibb's asked.

"Trying to wake up from.this nightmare." I said, opening my eyes.

"I know, me too,"

"He doesn't deserve this, he's innocent. Mcgee is the nicest person I've met, with a huge heart and a wonderful personality. Why him?"

"I don't know Abby, I really dont." Gibbs said and I walked in, Gibbs following me.

"Hey, Penny, Ms.Mcgee." I said as I took a seat on the far side of his bed, next to Tony and Ziva, but as far as I could sit from his body. Gibb's sat down in the chair next to me.

"Hey, guys," Penny said.

"You okay Abbs?" Gibb's asked. I shook my head, not able to contain my tears anymore. He pulled me into a hug. "Shh, he'll be okay. Just remember, I haven't given him permission to die just yet." I laughed at the thought. I cried for who knows how long and eventually fell asleep with my head in his lap.

*Next Morning*

I woke up slowly. Hoping it was all a dream. I looked up and saw Mcgee on the bed. It wasn't a dream.

"Hey, Abby," Ziva said.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up.


"Oh," I said and then Gibbs walked in, coffee amd a Caf-Pow in his hands.

"Here, coffee for everyone." Gibbs said, handing everyone their respected coffee and then me the Caf-Pow. "Ok, guys, we're going home. We're gonna give Mcgee's family some space."

"Okay," Tony and Ziva said as they got up. I was a little more hesitant. I didn't want to leave Mcgee.

"It's no bother, Gibbs, your his family too." Penny said. "Let's Abby stay," She ssid, I looked up at Gibbs and he was hesitant, but he nodded.

"Just go home and shower and change, Abby." Gibb's said a left with Tony and Ziva.

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