Somewhere I belong

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Song is Somewhere I belong by Linkin Park

Have fun!


I wake up in Seans arms. We're still on the balcony. The only thing brighter than the sun is Seans smile.

'Morning sleepyhead.' He kisses me shortly before standing up and take a shower. I'm waiting till he's done. Cherishing the silence that lays over the house. Sean comes back with nothing but a towel around his waist. I can't help but staring at him. He looks like a perfect picture of a god to me. He sees my staring, giggling lowly.

'All yours, baby, all yours. This is what a boss looks like.' I laugh out loudly and as I go into the shower, I get undressed on the way. He stares as I walk past him,  shaking his head a bit.
'You'll be the death of me.' I smile at him and blow him a kiss.

'So, have you all thought about what to do for the challenge?' Matt sets up all the equipment in the kitchen. Mark made it possible that we have a second mobile kitchen now. So we don't need to share the oven. Every team has his own now. I place all the things I need in the order I need it. Sharpen all the knives, wash the fruit and vegetables.

'I'm ready when you are.' I chime and look at the totally unorganised boys smiling.

'We are ready. Don't cry if you loose.' Ryan sticks out his tongue at me.

'Okay, camera is ready. Microphone ready. Start in 3,  2, 1.
Hello Everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to a very special video. As you might now, it's my birthday today. And you requested on the last video, that you want to see our little princess again. So here she is. And she'll get down today, cause we're  making a Cooking challenge. All of us will cook against her. She wants it like that. We'll  have a few friends over later who will judge all the things we made. The time you need is also important. We'll have to cook a salad, a Chili, Pasta and a Dessert. So, is everyone ready?' The boys raise their knives. 'How about you, princess?'

'You bet.' I grin at him. 'Bring it on, boys.'

'Okay... on three. One two three!' Mark claps in his hands.

And so we start. At first I make the dessert, knowing the Panna Cotta I make has to cool down a while. I slice some fruits too, so I can decorate it later. In no time there are all 10 dessert glasses filed and the dessert in the fridge.

I have a look at the boys while I prepare the chili. And it's a total mess. The pasta cooked too long already. Sean slices chilis without gloves, Mark is struggling with the salat and Bob tries to make a vinaigrette. I sigh, shaking my head.

I follow my inner plan and let the Chili cook now. As I slice the salad I hear some cursing from over there. Sean wanted to scratch his eyes. He forgot that he had sliced Chili before. And now... well seems like it hurts a lot. He tries to wash it out with water, still with the fingers full of chili, now it's on his whole face.

'Holy mother of sucking cock jesus! It burns like hell! It's so bad!'
The boys laugh their asses of. I sigh and make my way over, take a towel and pour ice cold water on it. The boys watch my steps, unbelieving that I left my place. With a smack I punch Sean the towel in his face.

'What an idiot you are. You only cut Chilis with gloves, dumbass. And now rub your eyes with the towel. That will help.' I look into the camera as I walk by and shake my head. They'll understand.

I come in time for the pasta to be perfect. Now Mark tries to distract me with questions.
'So, the viewers liked you. What do you think about it?'
'That's very nice. I am really happy about that.' I say and smile slightly.

'They have a lot of questions. Mind if I ask you some.' Mark shakes a wooden spoon at me, like a microphone.
'Nope, go ahead. I'll answer them.'

'First one is: do you mind getting shipped?' Mark has a mischievous smile in his face. I sigh and look at Mark who is giving me a wink.
'No, why would i? If they have fun with that, than I am totally fine with it.'

'Another one was, if you have a boyfriend.'
'Yes I do.' I look at Mark, then shortly at Sean who has a little mysterious smile on his face.

'How is it like to be with so many awesome guys?' Mark makes a little show for the camera, flexing his muscles.
'If you show them to me, I can answer this question.' I laugh quietly. A pear comes flying across the kitchen, bumping to the wall. I sigh and shake my head.
'Someone can't face the truth.' I laugh quietly.

'I saw a poll. There was the question with who of us most people ship you. What do you think who won?' Marks puns are getting stronger. And I don't like it. I'm starting to get nervous.

'I don't know. Is it you?' I ask him with a playfully yandere look.

Soundtrack Of Our Lifes (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin