Time bomb

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Song is Time bomb by All Time Low.



I make my way to the bed, sitting next to him and stroke his head.

'I'm so sorry, Sean. I was... stupid. I didn't mean to make you angry.' He nods.

'I know. Maybe I should have asked ya before. So, whatcha saying? Do ya want to move to LA with me? We can buy a little house and live happily ever after.' He pushes me on the bed and crawls half on top of me.

'Everything you want, Sean, everything you want.' I smile up to him and nod. He bends down to me and kisses me lightly. His lips move from my mouth to my throat. I sigh and kiss the top of his head.

'There are a few things that I want. But I think we have to stop here. We should go back to the party and celebrate with Mark.' He stands up and drags me up with him. We go slowly back, taking a kissing picture for his instagram account and have fun. He introduces me to a few other people he thinks I should know and I'll be the nice girlfriend he deserves.

After a while Sean is drunk. He lets me drink again after a while. We dance a bit, but stop it for kissing. Mark clears his throat near us.

'Can I have Jack for a while, darling?' He grabs Seans shoulder and pulls him to somewhere. I sit down at a chair and wait for Sean to come back. Another man sits next to me, looking at me.

'Hey, I looked around and you're definitely the hottest girl here. So that green haired, is that your boy?' What a creeper. He closes in to me.

'Yes he is my boyfriend. And please don't come any nearer.' I slide a bit to the side, but he closes in again.

'Don't be like that. You know he's not here now. But I am. So, what about have a little fun?'

'NO!' I jump up and spill my drink over him. He rises and looks down at me. He's very muscular and big. And I feel very uncomfortable right now.

'Oh you little bitch, you'll regret that.' He grabs me on my shoulder, rising his other hand to hit me. It's not that I am not used to this. I close my eyes and wait for it. But instead I fly backwards into someone's arms. I look behind me and Bob holds me close, lifting me up and leaves the scene.

'Don't you worry. They'll take care of that.' He places me on the sofa in the living room and pats my head. I don't know what's happening. The next thing I see is Sean, a cut on his upper lip, kneel in front of me.

'Ya allright?' He askes, looking at me concerned. I nod and touch his lip. He winces shortly.

'You're not. Did you fight him?'

'Well, I guess I jumped in between ya and got the hit that was meant for ya. But I repaid him, don't worry.' He looks at me wary, waiting for the shock to come.

'Sean, I'm fine. It's not the first time someone wanted to hit me.' I shrug and he sighs.

'Will ya ever stop thinking it's an okay thing for men to do? You're unbelievable. I don't know what to do!' Drunk Sean is emotional. And still in a rage. 'Ya come with me now! I'm tired of this!' He grabs my wrist forcefully and drags me to our room again. Inside he throws himself on the bed, his fists still clenched and his features hard.

'I can't understand! Why do ya do that to yourself? I try my best to let ya see what a wonderful life it can be. And there ya are waiting for someone to hit ya!' He lifts his head looking at me, a weird expression on his face. He rises and comes closer. The look in his eyes makes me nervous. 'So... I wonder...' I slowly go back, not knowing what he's up to. And the first time I am really afraid of him. I never was before. My back smacks to the wall and I look at Sean closing in. 'I wonder if you'll open that way up? '

'Sean... you're drunk... you don't know what you do.' I hold my hand up to stop him.

'I know EXACTLY what I do.' He places both his hands next to me so that I am in the middle of them. 'You're afraid now? This is the fucking normal reaction ya should have!' He spits the words into my face. 'So, ya afraid of me but not of them? You're really driving me mad!' He bumps his fist on the wall. 'You're even driving me more mad then fucking Ross with his levels!'

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