Without you

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Song is without you from Breaking Benjamin.


Are there still people reading this book?

'Mark! Please don't publish that!' I run after him, soaking wet. 'I don't want anyone to see me like that!' I hammer on Marks door, but he doesn't open.

'Jack! Get her out and tame her!' Mark yells out of his room jokingly. Sean just stands next to me, leaning at the wall and leaves a wet spot there.
'She's no dog, Mark. And, lovely, let him publish that. Ya said yes in the first place. It's fun.' He pulls me into his arms. 'You'll learn it. And ya look so sexy when ya are wet. What about getting ready for the party? Come let's find something to get dressed in.' He takes my hand and leads me to our room while I am still ranting about Mark for ruining my life.

We get dressed slowly, nothing special though, we both like it casual. We go outside where a little bar is build up for the party. Sean looks at me and sighs.
'Remember ya promised me not to drink too much. I'll look after ya. I'll get us something.' He squeezes my hand and kisses me on the cheek before going to the bar. I find us a place in a corner waiting for him to come back. There are many people here now. But I just look my eyes on Sean, hes so perfect I can't look away. He makes his way back and sits next to me.

'The video is uploaded. Mark told me.' Sean looks at me and hands me a beer. 'I am somehow nervous. I never am. And I feel bad for letting he do that to ya. Want to look at the comments?' He drinks his beer and scrolls through his mobile.

'No. Thanks. I am not about the comments. I really am afraid of it. But look for yourself then.' I pat his back and look around.

'Holy crap... the editing. But they are right, we are great together. Even when we both are soaked.' He holds his mobile under my nose. And yeah, he is right, we look unbelievable sweet together. I smile at him and drink my beer all in one.

'Let's have a look. See the comments are so charming. They love ya, like I said. Okay. A few are not nice. But they are just jealous... I love ya, that's what counts.' He pulls me onto his lap and leans me with my back on the wall next to us.
'Do ya like it here? In LA I mean.' His blue eyes look into mine, one of his fingers caresses a little free part of my skin on my back.

'It's nice. And warm. And you seem to have fun here. I'm happy when you are happy. So yeah, I like LA.' I say as I look at him. I lay my forehead to his. His eyes stare in mine and I can feel my intestines twirl once again.

'Mark asked me if I will move over. He does that a lot. And now I really think I should do it.' He lifts his head from mine, eyes on Mark, he drinks out of his beer again. I bite my lip and sigh.

'Oh. That's nice.' I rise and go to the bar to get another drink. Sean stays in the corner staring at everything that I do. I order coke and rum and then drink a big sip of it.
I look into the glass and think about what I do if Sean is moving here. I'll be alone again, having no one to count on. Without even noticing it, my glass is empty. And then it's full again.

There are many people here. Most I have seen on youtube now and then. Yeah, it's perfect for Sean to be here, it is where he belongs. Something has to be wrong with this glasses. It's empty again. The barkeeper refills it, smiling at me. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and Matt looks down on me from my side. He's huge.
'What's up, buttercup? You're looking as if someone died. Where's Jack?' I point in the direction of where he sits and shrug my shoulders then.

'It's nothing. But thanks for asking.' I can see he knows I am lying. But he is so nice and doesn't ask me about it. He just ruffles my hair and smiles. 'Everything will be alright. I know that.' I finish the drink and get myself another. I can't think straight any longer. I hear Seans voice behind me.

'Don't ya dare drinking that. Ya promised me.' That makes me angry and I spin around, drinking the drink in one provocative. He looks at me, anger welling up in his face. He grabs my hand and pulls me after him all the way into our room.
'What ya thing ya doing?!' He yells at me after he closed the door, pushing me against it. He acts so nice all the time, I almost forgot he has a bad temper.

'Preparing for being alone again!' I spit every word overly pronounced at him.

'What ya talking about?' He looks me in the eyes, holding my head at my chin so I can't look away.

'You moving to LA without even asking me what I think about it!' I push against his body blocking me, but he is stronger than me.

'Ya ran away the moment I wanted to ask ya if you'll join me, for fucks sake! You're so stupid sometimes!' I blush immediately and he turns around and sits down on the bed, his face hidden from his hands.

Soundtrack Of Our Lifes (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang