"When can I leave?"

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-Quick flashback-

Cletus didn't take his eyes off the car with the license plate he had memorized.

He was glad she parked so far in from school in the indoor parking facility.

He knew Troy had instructed to do this at night but he was impatient.

Besides, no one was around.

He looked for any type of witness before approaching the car with his tool box.

"Look at the big tree."

Randy turned his said to see a car, terrible crashed into the tree.

"What happened?" He asked widening his eyes.

Jeffery sighed, knowing he still didn't get it.

"Randy, that's Annick's car."

"W-where is she?"

"The police said the paramedics took her to the hospital just when we came. Do you know where Pricilla is?"

"She's in the car...I...I was taking her home."

"Okay, take Daysia with you to the hospital. I'm gonna stick around for a bit."


He walked back to the car with Daysia following behind.

"What's the matter? What happened over there?" Pricilla asked as the two got in.

"Everything's fine. We just need to go see Annick at the hospital."

"That's her car? Is she okay?" Pricilla asked starting to panic.

"She's fine. We're gonna go see her right now." He said beginning to drive.


When he parked, the three couldn't of left the car faster.

They quickly walked into the hospital, Daysia being the one to approach the front desk.

"We're here for Annick Mabele." She said, already tapping his foot with impatience.

"Are you family?" She asked making Daysia wanna punch her already.

"She's twenty fucking three years old. I'm pretty sure she can have us go up there."

The lady narrowed her eyes.

"Look that's her fucking daughter and I'm pretty sure this white guy here is gonna marry one day so please. Just please." Daysia begged.

She let out a sigh.

"Fine. Room 406, down the hall and a left."

The three made their way down there as fast as they could.

They were about to make it to room 406 when Pricilla stopped.

"Pricilla, come on, let's go." Daysia rushed.

"I-I can't."


"I c-can't see her. I can't
d-do it. I-I can't lose her..."

The two were confused but noticed the teen start to shake and turn pale.


"I don't wanna see what happened...I don't wanna see what happened to her...I can't look at it."

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