"Wrong side."

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*the fact that they're a thing in real life makes my life a significant annoying of easy....and they're cute as fuck like wyd? Make babies already



It was about the evening time when Randy woke up.

He was of course a bit confused by Annick but it came back after a few seconds.

He had very quietly and softly moved from the couch, to make sure not to wake her.

He made his way to the backyard and sat in the grass.

Although, sitting down, he felt something in his pocket.

He pulled it out, finally remembering where it came from.


Simone came into the kitchen and handed Randy the small box.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Quinton won't stop smoking. I get that he's dying but I'd like to keep a little spare time on our hands yeah?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Keep it from him dumbass, what else?"

"Okay." Randy shrugged.

She sighed, smiling at him and giving his shoulder a squeeze before leaving the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Quinton came in.

"Okay you don't have to give them to me now. Grandma's coming in later today. Give them to me tomorrow. Aight?"

"Alright." Randy said.

"You promise me?"

"I promise you."

-end of flashback-

He was supposed to give Quinton his cigarettes back when they got back from the park and the house had cleared up a little.

He remembered talking with Quinton before he left with the kids.

He had sat at the edge of the bed and tried making a joke.

-another flashback-

"So um...still want those cigarettes back."

"Fuck off. You can keep those shits. Where's my son?"

"I'm taking him to the park."

"Thanks man you're a real one."

"I know." He grinned, standing up.

"You leaving now?"

"Yes. Will you miss me or something?"

Quinton sat up, grunting.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just these chest pains. My doctors on his way. Give me a hug."

Humane Acceptance [book #2] Where stories live. Discover now