Start of war

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" What do you mean she is gone" said Elder Tommy. " Well you see it complicated,Veronica was just checking on her little sister and BAM she was gone" said the beta.  " Wow really " said Elder Tommy " Yep, she just disappear" said the beta. "Sorry for my beta sarcasm, what we think the result is in this problem is that a rouge kidnapped her because they heard she was getting married to the Great Elder Tommy." said the Alpha.

" This a great problem alpha, really it is. But I want you  to solve this problem for me. Their was a pack who suppose to protect something really valuable to the King. When he came in the next day to get his treasure. He found out that it disappear. Now the pack said that the room that they hid it was really secured but all of the sudden the treasure just disappeared. They made a conclusion that it was rob by ruthless criminal. Now before the King gave them the treasure they promise to take responsibility to keep the treasure in a safe place.  What should the King do? Veronica please answer the question".

" Me" said Veronica " Yah do you see any one name that I know is Veronica" replied the Elder.  " Well if I was the King, hmmmm, Oh, I will give the pack two whole months to find the treasure and if they don't find the treasure you will start a war against them" said Veronica . Then Elder Tommy replied  " Wow you actually have a brain, well I guess what Veronica say will happen. If I don't see my beloved Vanessa on the next two full moon . War will break out ". Then he left, "we have to find her" said Veronica "No dah" replied the alpha.

Sorry if I didn't update soon it was because of School that  was in the way and I was so busy. So plz comment and vote thank you!!  Also, sorry if this story is short!!

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