His Past (part 2)

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Andrew P.O.V.

The fool was trying to run away, but I caught him just in time. I pounced on him, we rolled over, I was on top of him then I said ," This is for my dad". I teared his leg off, he howled in pain. I wasn't satisfy, I wanted more blood, I wanted him to suffer, just like my family and the pack did, I began to tear every part of his body. He pleaded for me to kill him already, I just laughed. Before I did that I had to asked him a question, "Why did you kill my dad?" He answered, " I was ordered to", "Who ordered you" I asked firmly. He didn't replied, then I killed him. I was young and stupid and thought only for myself. I didn't think about my sister or the pack, It was myself that I cared about. I didn't think that everyone was suffering and that I needed to become an alpha, because of the death of my father. Instead of coming back home, I hunted down down the rouges that planned the assassination of my father and I showed no mercy. I still wasn't satisfied, until I found my adopted daughter.

I was walking ( still in wolf form) and as I passed an alley I heard a whimper. I followed the noise, then I saw a light skin little girl with curly hair and looked like she was three years old. She was adorable, every time I came closer she backed up. She was afraid of me, so I had a planed, I made myself to whimper and then I lied down on the floor next to her and I gave her the most cuties puppy eye. She came closer and started to pat my fur, as I sniffed her and I realized that she was a werewolf. That meant one thing, I can communicated to her. "Hey honey, what's your name and where are your parents". She answered, " My name is Hadassa Loraine and my parents are in a better place". Her parents were dead , she is so young, then I did the unthinkable I licked her face and she giggled and said "will you be my new daddy". I was in shock and nodded my head , yes. The question was, how will I take care of her . Then I found the solution, "Hadassa were going home" she nodded in agreement.

I was scared to go home but I had no choice , before we went, I had to find clothes for both of us to wear. When we arrived I broke into this house, I searched for the bathroom and told her to take a shower. Before she finish I found some clothes that was her size. When she was done taking a shower, I gave her the clothes to put on. I told her to lay down on the couch and told her if she heard anything outside, hide. I grabbed myself some clothes, then I shifted back into my human form and then I enter in the shower. When I was done I clothed myself, I went in the master bedroom to find if they had a safe box. They did, I broke in the safe box and found $1,500, but I only took $300. I woke up my daughter, so the both of us can eat something. When we were done I made 10 sandwiches for the ride home. I fix everything in the house just the way it was and then we left to catch a tour bus. When we reach there , we gave them the money and they showed us the location of the bus,that we would take us to the pack house. When we arrived in the bus, they asked us for the ticket. My daughter gave the man the tickets, The man laughed when he saw her smiling face and gave her a lollipop and she took it and said, "thank you." She is so cute, she remind me of my sister, I wonder how she was. Tears roll down my eyes, Hadassa wiped my tears away and asked, " Daddy what's wrong, why are you crying". " I'm okay honey, I just can't wait for you to meet your aunt, you remind me of her" I replied. "Is it because you miss her, that's why your crying" she said in her baby words. " Yeah" I answered and I kiss her forehead. Moment later she fell asleep, then I followed pursuit.

1 hour past

I woke up my daughter , I told her that we were home. She started to become jumpy and then she asked " Daddy can we get something to eat". I nodded my head, we got out of the train and then we found a table so that we can eat our sandwich. When we were done I counted how many sandwich we had left. I searched for a payphone, so I can call the cab. We waited 20 minutes for the cab, when it arrived I gave him the address to place we were headed. It took us a hour to reach there, he dropped us off at the front of the forest and I gave him $100. We walked for half a hour then my daughter started to complain, so I had to carry her. We finally reached the boundary line of my pack, then we entered."There was no going back" I said to myself. The same time I entered the pack territory, the wolves surrounded us. Making sure my daughter was safe I hold her hand, I felt her trembling, I had to soothe her so I said, " It's okay sweetheart, daddy is here."

I heard one of the wolf murmuring in his head, "That's his kid,I thought that was his sister", I ignored him. "Listen,I'm not here to cause trouble, I just need to talk to the alpha of the pack." I stated. They push me to the direction of the pack house, they shifted back with their clothes on and rang the doorbell. An elder lady open the door and looked at me then said," Andrew is that you, I thought you were dead". One of the guys said," That's impossible he haven't been seen for a year, you must be mistaken."

Then the old lady said " I'm not that old to not notice Zach,that this is Alpha Andrew." They all looked at me , wait did she said Zach as in Zachery one of my best friends. " Zachery it's me Andrew" I said. He looked at me with shock, anger, betrayal and said harshly, "Now you decide to come back." Then he walked passed by me, It's clear that I'm not wanted here. " Ma'am",then the lady answered,"You can call me Sarah." "Okay, Sarah , can you take care of her for me" I said. She nodded, my daughter had tears in her eyes and said "Daddy you promise to keep me safe". I felt bad and said" I will come back and visit you soon, I promise" I kiss her forehead and left. I was so close to leave the pack boundary when my wolf said " I was growing a daddy relationship with that little girl because of you I wont, I thought your human said a promise is promise. It's a shame you can't keep it". Damn you wolf,damn you, I looked back and said "what the heck". I ran back to the pack house , I rang the door bell and I heard my daughter said that must be my daddy. She opened it and said " I know you wouldn't leave me, I wuve you daddy" then I answered back " I love you too" then we hugged. Sarah broke the daughter and father moment to asked " Are you ready to become an alpha" I nodded my head and said "Yes." After one year of training , I became a provider, a leader and a protector to my pack, I promise to keep them safe and will never abandon them in the toughest trial that life will give us.

Hadassa so adorable, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment and Vote, It means allot,Thank you.

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