Elena's POV
"Elena! Hurry up, you'll be late for school!" My dad calls from the base of the stairs.
"I'm coming, dad!" I yell back, rushing my actions. Does he even know how long I've been in here? Ugh.
I finish putting on my second coat of mascara and apply my Lychee Luxe lip gloss that I got from the MAC store. Heading down the stairs, I take a look at myself in the mirror my mom placed on the wall of the staircase one last time. After grabbing my bag from the kitchen counter, which I used to study for my Algebra 2 quiz, I was ready to go.
"Elena, I made you a strawberrykiwi smoothie to take to school!" My lovely mother offered as she explained, "I thought it would be easier that way, considering you haven't eaten any breakfast yet." I nodded, thanking her.
"What is it with you girls anyway? You spend so much time in the bathroom getting ready!" My dad teases as he's halfway out the door. I hear my mom's quiet laugh behind us. "Bye, mom!" I call out as I step out the door, avoiding my dad's question.
He pulls out of the driveway and continues talking. "I'm going to have to drop you off at the Tables daily, starting today. I know you don't like it there, but you will eventually have to."
"But dad" I begin to protest.
"Jess will be there. Besides, you should start to meet new people; make new friends. You'll be fine, Elena." He cuts me off, trying to reassure me.
The Tables is the place where the populars stay every morning before school starts. My best friend, Jess, stays there because she can easily fit in. I, on the other hand, hate going to the Tables. There's nothing to do and I don't know anyone besides Jess. I don't fit in as easily as she does.
"Fine, thanks." I eventually give in because I know this is an unwinnable argument.
When we pull up to the parking lot in front of the Tables, I look at my dad with frightened eyes. "You'll be fine," he says. I fake a smile and step out of his car. He rolls down the window and we say our goodbyes.
Walking to the Tables, I see about 12 people who are already there. I spot Jess right away and begin walking towards her. "Hey, Elena!" I hear Jess shout. I take a seat next to her and put my bag down.
"Hey." I answer back softly. Looking around, all eyes are on me. Feeling insecure, I look away, and see a few boys standing in the corner talking. One of the boys is staring at me. From the few times I have been to the Tables, I have never seen his face. His black hair is nicely groomed and he wears a devilish smirk on his gorgeous face. Did I really just call him gorgeous?
Tyler's POV
"Are you trying out for the football team this year bro?" Nate asks me. "Yeah, bro, this year's gonna be lit." I answer him, with a smile on my face.
A new car pulls up into the lot, and I watch as a girl steps out. She says something to the guy in the car, which I assume is her dad. As she walks to the Tables, she has a look of fear in her eyes. I've never seen her before. Is she new? I ask myself.
Her long legs walk up to Jess and the look of fear subsides. She looks around her, taking in her surroundings. She sees everyone staring back at her. The look of fear quickly returns to her brown eyes. A re they brown? I can't really see her. Suddenly, her eyes land on me.
Damn it, I've been caught.
"Who's the new girl?" I ask as I turn towards my friends, Chase and Nate.
Uninterestedly, Chase fills me in. "Her name's Elena Hawkins." I listen when he says this. "Why haven't I seen her before?" Another question rises within me, and I can't help but sound curious.
"That's probably because she has her nose buried in books all the time." With that, they burst into laughter. There's nothing wrong with books. I want to tell them this. However, I know I would never admit it aloud.
I look over to where she is once again. We meet eyes, and I can tell she is confused. I bet she's wondering why she hasn't seen me before either. I shoot her my irresistible smirk; I can't help myself.
She looks away extremely fast. Did she just ignore my smirk? I catch her medium length, dark brown hair flowing as she releases it from the ponytail she recently wore.
Damn. I find myself thinking this once again, and I sigh.
Why haven't I seen this girl before?
A/N: Hi lovely readers! How was your day today? I hope you liked the first chapter so far! I'm new to wattpad, and this is the first story I have written. The chapters do get longer than this! I will try to update as frequently as possible. Please vote, comment, and share! :)
I'm currently watching 90210 right now. I love Liam so much! He's my favorite character right now. Can someone say hotness? If anyone has any tv show recommendations I would love to hear them! What's your favorite tv show to binge watch?
Have a great day! Thanks for reading <3
banner by: kyouta-sama

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...