Chapter 3: First day of school!

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Lucy's PoV

I woke up to the sound of an annoying alarm and a splitting headache. "It's that time of year again." I sigh to myself as I get an aspirin. Around the beginning of the school year, I get terrible migraines. This all started around ten years ago, when I supposedly fell in a lake and hit my head on something, causing my head to crack open and needed surgery. That was after my dad abandoned me and my mom. Apparently he was a wealthy playboy who stole my mom's heart, at least that's what she said. "Always the charmer, she'd say." I giggle to myself as I mimic her voice. So, when I had to have my operation, we were tight for money and had to borrow money from my Aunt, that's why I have to work there. The girls work with me just for fun.

After recovering from the killing pain in my head, I get up and go have a shower. When I'm washed, dressed and ready for school, I grab my books and bag and run out the door, not saying goodbye to my mom because I know she's at work. As I run down the street, I meet Levy, Juvia and Erza on my way. "How do you think we're going to do tonight? I'm kinda nervous." Juvia blushes into her books. "We'll be fine Ju. Besides, we've done this plenty of time before, so we'll be fine." Erza roughly slaps her on the back, almost pushing Juvia over. "I-I guess." Juvia stutters nervously as we turn a corner to the school's from gates.

When we turned, we saw a large group of people with cameras. "Do you think that's them?" Levy whispered to us. "Who cares? They're only people, I don't get what the big idea is?" I huff. "Come on. Let's go before you smash something." Erza chuckles and we link arms, as she pulled me through the crowd of reporters, but not without catching a glimpse of the all mighty Natsu Dragoneel. Note the sarcasm.

Natsu's PoV

When I wake up, I remember the dream I had had last night. That girl. I always have that same dream every time this time of year. But who is she, she's so familiar. I think to myself as I get up groggily. Since a few years back, I've had the same dream about a pretty, young, blonde haired girl, falling in a lake. It's always the same. She always falls in and a red mist comes from her head while she's in the water. Who is that damn girl?

I throw a pillow at Gray's bed to wake him up, seeing as we were sharing a room. Let me tell you, this was not my idea. Jellal said it'd be best to live as common people and live in a condo. Although, our condo is two stories and one of the most expensive in Magnolia. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Gray gets up angrily, with the pillow I threw in hand and a murderous aura. "Wake up freezer pants. Time to go to school." I mutter tiredly and get out of my own bed. "Why the flip did you have to throw the pillow at me?!' He screamed again, running up to me. "Gasp! Don't say the 'f' word Gray! And you talk to your mother with that mouth?!" I gasp sacastically. "Grow up, squinty eyes." He replies, going back to his grumpy, or 'cool' manner, as some people would call it.

We then get ready for school and meet up with the others at the front door. "So. What do,you think we'll do after school?" I immediately ask after a minute of walking. "Why don't we have a look around? I heard there are some big hit stores that have been made since we left." Gray suggests as I casually throw my arms behind my head. "There's a beach place down on the pier." Jerral mutters as he looks at his phone. "Eh. I'm probably just going to sleep." Gajeel slouches and yawns. "Why are you always so god damn tired?" I stare in shock at him.

Before he can answer, we get to school and see a huge group of reporters standing in front of the school gates. "Are you ready men?" I say triumphantly. They all nod and we walk up to all the reporters, readying for all of the questions and photographs.

As we do this, I notice a certain blonde girl looking in my direction. I try give her my famous grin, that makes all the girls go crazy, but before I could do that, she turns around and walks into school with her friends. Where have I seen that face before?

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